
734 Game Reviews

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This is just horrible!

The graphics are bad; you just imported pictures! If you're going to do that, at LEAST trace it (Modify>Bitmap>Trace Bitmap)

The gameplay was awful. It took me a while to figure out that you had to use the arrow keys, and those were pretty pointless, as you just touched something. The baseball bats were avoidable because you could move off of the screen. (Add if(this._x<0){;this._x=0;}; and similar)

The style was bad. You could have done a lot to improve the presentation. The graphics that were hand-drawn sucked. (If you're using Flash 8 or higher, you can select any typed text and go to Properties>Filters>Bevel, Glow, Drop Shadow, etc.) Putting in Moovlin was a huge mistake. That offended me that you would put such a highly hailed pioneer of PSP Flash Gaming into such a primitive, non-PSP-compatible game. You could have waited until you were a better artist to acknowledge him.

Violence was practically nonexistant, even if it was supposed to be.

The only humor was how bad it was. I don't want to offend you, but it seemed almost as if you were trying to make it bad.

Additionally, the action was horrible. The shooting sequences should have included moving targets, etc. (Use button script for Movie Clips containing animations in them, at LEAST.)

Overall, very poor. The background, players, layout, style, graphics, and everything else were pretty bad.

If you seriously want to improve with Flash, you may PM me and I will send you several links to good ActionScript sources and explain what I can for you. (But please try not to persistently nag me about things.)

Hope I helped.

Yoshiboshi3 responds:

Thank you for a constructive review! Check out my updated version.


I don't know how long it took to make this, but this is pretty amazing! It has a very distinctive style of art, which is very developed in the overall scheme of the picture. I wouldn't think this would be for the Flash Portal... Would've expected to see it on the Art Forum or something, but this is just fine, so I've rated it as art, not a Flash submission. Good job!


Great, somewhat funny, sometimes eerie, easy to complete, yet hard to get the awards, this has the making of a perfect game! The layout, graphics, gameplay, animation, and presentation are amazing, the soundtrack was chosen masterfully, and it seems as if nothing could be better about this game, except maybe some disorientation at times... The player IS insane, after all. I f***ing hated the bunnies though... They moved so unpredictably!


The layout, graphics, and presentation aren't snazzy, but they're still very pithy and mathematical, so that's not a problem. The gameplay is good, but it's a bit short. Not enough levels, and there are no enemies. Also, as Keru said, the physics aren't too good. The jetpack, for instance, should alter the gravity variable of the player, not the Y value. Also, when the player fell, the acceleration of the drop wasn't properly oriented.


My account is worth $75.52, but would be higher if I still had a Silver Whistle instead of a Normal Whistle. Great job! What's the formula for it?


It's kind of funny the way you can simply plow through some of the ships, and how you can take so much damage. I really liked the idea of it, but perhaps it would have been more interesting if instead of getting smaller as you lost health, you could split into two asteroids, one WASD and one arrow keys, and perhaps them getting smaller from there? I don't know. Great game! Good physics, good simple graphics, good layout, good presentation. What more could someone want from a survival game?

I Love the HitTest for the Walls

I use that hitTest for just about every game I make! I'll mess around with the radius variables someday and figure out what the code actually means... I read your explanation and it was good, but I couldn't quite understand what each individual word did, so a more accurate explanation would be appreciated. The enemy scripts were more complex than they had to be, and there are some MUCH more easy ways to do those kinds of things. Anyway, the wall detection alone is all I need, as it will work for overhead or platform designs, or just about anything else for that matter! I've used the script more times than I can count.

Best Puzzle Game Ever!

I'm loving this! It's got simple yet effective graphics, great smooth gameplay and the little bits of animation in the game, great sound effects, and overall just about a perfect game. I had to watch the YouTube walkthroughs at times when it got insanely hard, but it's still great! There are some glitches though; sometimes if you throw a Companion Cube through an awkwardly placed portal, it will return to its original position at the start of the level. Another glitch is that in a few areas where there are dark wall spaces and the little tubes you can shoot portals through, you can angle the portal at just the right place so that you can shoot a portal where you're not supposed to be able to. I love level 31, and for a while I was coming up with several new strategies to beat it every day for like a week.

Too Complex...

I started it, but it was simply so complex that you couldn't understand what you were doing. I enjoyed, simpler tower defense games like the original Tower Defense and the Bloons versions better, because they were simpler. Simplicity in the game itself promotes complexity in the player's strategy, and because of this, I enjoy a simpler brand of defense games. Still, great graphics, great script, etc.


People shouldn't slam on this just because it's a maze game. This is the second best maze game I've ever played! The easing on the mouse, the layout, the anti-cheat, and everything else! There is nothing bad to say about this Flash, except that maybe some of the walls are too thin, and would be easier to distinguish if they were thicker.

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