
734 Game Reviews

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Interesting game. When I saw the bad graphics and error in the stage size, I immediately expected an old school game, and this was just that - with all of the addictiveness of those old games intact! I found the first few levels to be moderately challenging, with an easy period followed by a difficulty spike at level 13. I must admit this gets old a little faster than it should but it's still good for what it is.

Very authentic remake, I really like everything in here. The graphics and soundtrack are just perfect - very close replicas of the originals while still looking much better. Not much to criticize here, this is all-around great.

I think the main reason I was curious about this game was because it had 'sex' in the name, yet was listed SFW. I wondered how the hell this would work, and... Ugh.

First off, the game is ugly. There is little if any aesthetic put into the menus, buttons, and graphics. I don't like that the entirety of the graphics are just ripped images, although I do think that games can do that and still be enjoyable. It's just that there isn't enough content that shows you're making the most out of existing artwork, rather the images become a crutch. The music loops are incredibly short, repetitive, and annoying.

Onto gameplay... Very repetitive, and I don't like that you have to go to the gym or lab to teach those subjects, it really isn't necessary. Having fewer required clicks for each action would have been nicer, especially if the buttons were in more predictable places and a bit more aesthetic than a long, narrow bar. What I really don't like is that you just keep all of the bars even, click options to make yourself a nice teacher, and then... That's it. The days advance, you can buy stuff, and occasionally you see new events, but nothing really advances the plot. The students don't come onto you, you can't come onto them. You can't seduce them, you can't get fired. You can't do anything except do the same thing until day 69 (which I didn't get to, even sleeping all day took too long in my opinion). The events are also too few (or maybe it's that the days are too many).

My suggestion is that you make your choices more transparent in what resources are balanced by what actions, cause multiple events to happen during each class session that you teach, and make the game shorter (tests every 5 days for 40 days - an eight week semester). With a system like that, you could keep the player more engaged in strategizing and rationing out resources, although it's lame that the teacher is expected to teach all students in all subjects... Lolwut?

The graphics are basic and a lot of the humor isn't funny, but you're spot-on with the sounds and the Martha Stewart gag had me roaring with laughter. Nice job man, this is basic but also iconic. Overall I would prefer having a few programs that actually worked (Paint, Word) as well as some websites to explore (like Windows Doors has) and moreover a more consistent system for layers (start menu isn't always on top.)

Oh hell. Graphics and sound feel as if they're making fun of me. I really didn't enjoy either. The gameplay is really interesting although I don't like that the buttons are control and spacebar. Lots of variety but the difficulty curve is kind of obnoxious - I can nail a really tough level and then sit through several easy ones. I'd prefer a more consistent difficulty curve, it would have made me more optimistic about getting all of the stars.

Interesting. I played a game very similar to this called Atomz. The main difference here is that there are objects you aren't supposed to hit, there are fewer objects, and projectiles don't stop when they hit an item. The graphics are basic and could use work but overall I found this to be more strategic than the other game. Ultimately the lack of graphics, sound, and overall presentation bring it down. I would like to know how far into the game I am, and if there are any bonuses I can get or any sort of reward other than another level.

Really, really, really fun! This far outshines any Flash game from this time period. The graphics are admittedly simple, but I like that you can shoot different body parts in addition to scoring kills, it makes things much more interesting and adds a bonus flair to it. There's also a bit of risk and reward with shooting the head first or the parts first. The music is damn good and you even include multiple tracks, all of which are decent for them being as short as they are.

There are really only three things that I feel may be a little lackluster. First is that the pattern is always the same. I did some quick research and it turns out that AS1 could generate random numbers. You could have made the patterns different. It would also have been possible to have more zombies come onto the screen at the same time, it really adds a sense of pressure that I didn't feel for most of the game. Finally, the graphics are majorly lacking. Darnell Plays With Fire is a perfect example of using imported graphics in a submission. You could have easily used a powerful drawing program to produce realistic-looking zombies and put them straight into the game. You might have been able to use photos, too, as some games do. In this context I think it would have worked out alright. Also, the animation should not just be a big 'bang' expanding outward; use frame by frame animation for shit's sake! Even the worst FBF animation looks better than a lazy tween. Example? The raindrops that shower on the trees in the first area look good for all of their simplicity.

This is really awesome though. Not like other junky Flash games.

A bit simplistic, but not bad. I like the puzzle element, but in the end it's just a little fetch quest. Some kind of randomization would be nice, also something that requires reflexes more than that one spinning red thing. The audio takes away more than it adds.

Wow, remember when Britney Spears was attractive? :o

I like the low budget thing going on here, it's hilariously bad. I wish the player had more options on what to say and a longer conversation because honestly that's one of the funnier parts of it. "Press face to screen" was hilarious. Ten years from now when little kids can design games with kits that look professional, no one will understand the beauty of these bullshit games.

Points off for the amount of looping done to the kissing sound effect and lack of presentation - did the text have to pop up on the guy's screen? It could have been centered at the bottom like normal subtitles.

Interesting collab, I think the theme allowed for a lot more variety than most collabs do. A few of them were tedious but most were interesting and genuinely funny. It would have been nice if the listing had been easier to navigate so I didn't end up re-watching an animation on accident. It would also have been nice to have a playhead on the bottom of the screen. That's not to say I was impatient during the animations, but since some were only a few seconds while others were longer, it would have helped me know what to expect while watching the different parts. Last bit is I wasn't able to get 21 to play.

Really cool collab though, better than most! Voice acting was also impressive - doesn't happen often in collabs but I'm glad it did!

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