
734 Game Reviews

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Perfect: Gameplay, style, presentation, layout.
Could use work: Graphics (just the player, which could have changed colors, etc.), and the fact that many of the levels were reliant on luck.
Otherwise, you have an amazing game right here! PS: This totally lays my ornament game to waste :(

Zoranan responds:

Thanks, Its not as hot as I hoped it would be, but its ok. The only real thing I saw wrong with ur ornament game is that it doesn't have smooth motions. There are tutorials for "Easing motion" or "Easing cursor" you could apply to the moving squares and the ornament. That is how I made the character move smoothly across the board, yet remain grid based.


I liked it. The movement was, at times, hard to control, and the fighting itself was a little stupid, but overall it was a pretty good game. However, you never have to lose any health if you rapidly move back and forth so that the UberKids have no chance to punch you before you run away. I beat it with a score of 1696.

Too Short

As orangishred has stated, it was a strategy game without strategy. Though I helped much with the presentation and made it look decent, that wasn't enough to completely save it. The concept, though good, was still pretty flawed at times, such as being able to use combinations that made it a fool-proof way to win and so on. Overall, good effort, but it wasn't enough.


I would like to add on to what FazzleMan was saying. It was a really fun project to do, mainly because of the fact we were creating a game for such a lighthearted, harmless little critter, unlike earlier projects such as Squatty. I feel the presentation and some of the graphics could have been a hair better, but for the most part, it was good. Another problem was that at the end, if you get squished between the ground and the moving platform, you are ejected from the entire game area. Other than that, great job!


Beat it in 8 seconds.

Some things were annoying, though.
-One was the selectable text that was very much obstructive at points in the game
-It was too short
-The presentation wasn't too good; perhaps you could have added more colors, better graphics, etc.
-The maze had no anti-cheats


The graphics are stunning, and the framerate, animation, and smoothness are great, too. Good presentation, good layout. The only thing that might be cool would be installing features where you would have to complete certain objectives (avoid, batter, touch, or a combination of the above) using the things spawning from and around your mouse. This is godly.


Simple, but really fun and hard! I couldn't get much past 200, but it's really addictive! The scripting is good, the objective of the star is pretty fun, and overall a really great game!!


This is... INSANE! It's a bit short, but it's very fun. There should have been things to pick up, and more enemies, because it was too easy until you got to the boss. Still, Bowser was an extremely fun boss fight!


This is almost a complete copy of the first one! You added nothing except music, which sucked (players can find their own music, at least make a mute button using on(release){;stopAllSound();} on a button!)

The buttons were fixed, but you seemed to have changed nothing. If you want, use the edit button above the Author Comments section if you wish to update a game.

I don't mean to cut my review short, but I've already reviewed the other one. Check out that one for additional details that are true for both of the game versions.

Yoshiboshi3 responds:

Why dont you like the music? Its Pwnage.

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