
734 Game Reviews

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I found it to be a very fluent, fast, fun, and simple game. However, at times, there were parts where the gameplay seemed to be a little more complex than it needed to be. Still, amazing job, and what a small filesize as well! I don't know how you did it!


As all of the earlier levels were the same, I couldn't manage to muscle through all of them, but I went through the level select and screwed around a bit, and found a remake of the old Asteroids game. Most of the games are the same that just make statements about society, which makes it almost more of a movie than game, or even an essay. I found the game quite interesting and perplexing, and I was quite interested and captivated. It has the kind of pointlessness and humor of an RRRR game, yet has a bit more structure, some redeeming graphics, and is much larger than any other file by RRRR I've ever seen. All in all, this game is pretty good, very influentional and interesting, and quite original.

Too Short

I was expecting a bit more, and was disappointed. The filesize is way to big for such a small file, the music isn't too good, and you teach an already well-known point. You could also expand on a Movie Clip's features, such as Bevel, Glow, Blur, Tint, etc. and perhaps telling people this works with text, too. The only thing that puzzled me was how your buttons didn't make the cursor turn into a hand. How did you do that?


I don't know if this is a noob attempt or spam, but this isn't too good. The bear says the same thing over and over when you click it. You could make it cycle through a list of sayings, or have multiple bears or even a customizable bear! This just wasn't enough, and isn't portal quality. If you regularly updated this, it might be worth it, but as it isn't, this is pretty much just a waste of time. Very poor, but has potential. Also, this is NOT suitable for all ages.


The game looked pretty boring, but was actually really fun! I spent a bit of time just playing some songs, then tried out the built-in songs and beats. A few pitches were off, but other than that, very fun, surprisingly addictive, funny, and interesting!


These are the same things every time! Just some weird maze you find on the internet, no doubt, then host up here one submission at a time. Each submission is increasingly annoying, and barely an inch above "spam" level. The way I see it, you're dodging Wade and the spam genre of submissions, but only barely. These are annoying, repetitive, bad, and I know you know these are just spam. I've said it once and I'll say it again: B was funny, but it was only funny because it was the only spam submission that bad that passed (of its time). When a bunch of copycat submissions follow, it not only spoils your own reputation and the joke in the instance of the submission, but it wrecks StrawberryClock's work too!

Hi Lino!

Pretty fun, but pretty hard (and hard-stupid, not hard-fun) at times. I couldn't get past the bull-riding picture. By the way, how do you disable [TAB]? I have to resort to it just starting over when I script games where [TAB] is a glitch.

Lino responds:

_root._focusrect = false;

Just put that code on the first frame.


Scary, yet not cheesy: A nearly impossible feat (though the messages were a tad cheesy). When the ghost popped out of the dresser I got tingly, but after enough screamers, it's not too bad. I finished with 278000, and was pretty pissed I couldn't find the last orb or message, or two of the remains. The only other thing that kept me from a perfect score was accidentally taking a picture of nothing.

Psionic3D responds:

Thanks for playing and commenting, much appreciated!!


It's fun, the graphics, physics, complexity, and script are good, but the up arrow should be jump. It's just an automatic reaction that when a bullet is coming at you, you hit the up arrow. It would have been even better if, in addition to that, the spacebar had instead been the attack button. The control layout isn't too hot, but other than that, it's great! Unfortunately, as controls are such an important part of any game, it's nearly unplayable.


Haven't played this in months, but I remember this being really good! At the last battle with the 20k HP boss, it just got to tedious though and I had to exit. You should have a saving feature, but otherwise great! (Oh yeah, and after I was done with the bomb minigame, the bombs kept coming from the side of the screen.)

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