
734 Game Reviews

175 w/ Responses

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This game is a GOD! After playing this for hours and hours, I nearly forgot to review it! And only Daily 3rd? heck, this deserves Top 50! The menu is nice, which makes it good to look at when you're playing for a while, as it never gets old. Great 3D graphics, layout, and style. The music is chosen pretty well, and I LOVE the parts where you have to "make it look like an accident," as it adds a bit of strategy and thinking to an otherwise bleak and boring concept. Some missions are hard, some are easy, some in between, but almost all are fun! Great job!!


When I first saw this on the portal, I squealed like a pig. Great music, many more features, and overall one of the best games I've ever played!


It was hard, but hard-frustrating, not hard-fun. There was no logic, so there was no way to win thinking logically; it was merely luck. When I finally won, I was barely amused at all... But it's a good try.


I like the Level Editor, color options, backgrounds, sound control, and all that other stuff. The style that made it look as if everything were on one frame was very stylish and original, even if it wasn't intentional, and this is definitely better than your average maze game (and despite what some people might say, this has pretty good graphics, too, such as the double-helix. To disable right-click and click-hold, just put in this on a Movie Clip visible on all of the levels (except for the last one for this maze):

gotoAndStop("losing frame");
gotoAndStop("losing frame");

Though you'll have to play around a little with the options, or clicking Menu, music, or color control will make you lose as well. Also, there's some script that will disable the right-click menu as well, but I can't remember it well.

Conclusion: I really liked this, so keep up the good work! The only maze I cheated on was the moving slowly one, which I couldn't understand, and a few others that I got no benefit out of completing honestly (as they were either time consuming but not hard, or otherwise non-enjoyable). Although I suppose anti-cheat isn't a problem when you have Level Selection. Good day, Newgrounder!

Multihunter responds:

I don't really want to stop people cheating, I don't care if they do and if it's fun, then I say do it.

Thanks for the positive review!


This is great! You should totally put up the soundtrack on the Audio Portal, though. It's bloody awesome.


This is the first of your submissions done in this style! I find it quite amusing in contrast to your recent difficulties. Although it lacks some texture, it's more of a test, so I suppose it's fine as it is. Great job, but you forgot to co-author me, as I helped you out with giving you the _root. script. Just kidding, it was nothing, bro!


Great style of live-action, done smoothly with not too much memory (just about 5 MB). It's also pretty funny and well done. Although some parts could have been better, it was overall a great game, although cracking the code was quite tedious (It took over a dozen turns to scoop up 712 from scratch).


I love all of the different modes! Very creative, fun, fast-paced at sometimes and strategic at others!


This has been done before, but it's still very smoothly done, very nice, simple yet good graphics, and overall a fabulous game! None of the levels were too hard, but I did get a little nervous on the timed one. One thing that made it extremely easy was when you were standing on a head, and the person underneath jumped, then you switched and jumped from there as the person on top. I suppose you meant that, though, because two levels required it. Next time, put more levels. This is really great! Keep up the good work!

Good but Obsolete

The scripting here is great. However, there are a couple issues. I appreciate the key, doors, and attack feature, but everything else is already on Newgrounds. Since I already had script for everything else, I jumped ahead to enemies. I was expecting to get an enemy that would follow you around and extra 'specially, one that would jump after you. This tutorial disappointed me, not because it was bad, but because I expected it to have some things that it didn't have. Very misleading, but good job!

chunkycheese12 responds:

Yeah, I thought it might. I made the code as I went along, it's very basic so it probably has been done before. I'm glad with the detail though, so people can understand the code and use it to create different games.

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