
734 Game Reviews

175 w/ Responses

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Love It!

Got as far as level 19 (X8SOV) and this is great! Outstanding 3D graphics fused with an devilish system of puzzles = Win! The only suggestions I could come up with were these:
1) Put in a level editor.
2) In the minimap in the corner, if the stacks of cubes are higher, put numbers on top of the squares, so the player can play only looking at the small map.
In fact, if you could do number 2, you could make it a PSP game!

Too Short

Not nearly enough missions. Still, fun gameplay, fairly hard levels, slight humor, good violence, good sound. Very nice overall. The glitch with the Governor and going back to level 15 was annoying, though. Still, it was fun to shoot the two terrorists and then the Governor at the last second and still see the success message.


Graphics: Okay, 7/10 they were a bit too simple.
Sound: 9/10 very good, good quality, matched the game well. Could have used a little music, though.
Violence/Humor: Kind of mixed together when you crashed. Not very big, though. 7/10
Interactivity: 10/10 Like kitten cannon, but more interactive and about timing.
Overall: Good, you should add achievements, like certain stunt point barriers, jumping height barriers, and distance barriers. You should add unlockables and stuff, too.


Not too great. The physics are pretty whack, and it's both unoriginal and definitely worse than the original. Like all copy-paste tutorials, it's not particularly good.

Whoa, Hard.

Thank God it auto saves! I got stuck at level 35, but still amazing. The graphics aren't the best, but the gameplay makes up for it. Sound was pretty good, humor wasn't prominent but there was a little with the mole face and angry cat thing. No violence, but overall the game is great! I'm also going to harvest whistle points from the low reviewers on this :D

Love It!

This is great! The graphics are really, really good, the script is done pretty well, the animation is terrific and stylish, and overall this is the makings of a really good game!

Don't be sad if this gets blammed; if it is, it's because it wasn't enough (which it wasn't, it was just a demo), not because it was bad (which it isn't).

Diin responds:

Thanks for the review. :D

Yeah, I was kind of iffy as to whether or not this was enough. But like I said in the description, I wanted to see what I should add/remove to the engine before I make the actual game.


Some very fundamental things in here, but better yet, many advanced things too! I don't quite understand all of the script, and the moment I'm writing this isn't the best time, but I will be back here very soon!


Unlike most submissions, this is a tutorial, so I WON'T be reviewing it by Graphics/Sound/Interactivity. Anyway, I found a few things about this tutorial completely infuriating. For one, the UI Scrollbar didnt' work. Oh yeah, it snaps to the Dynamic Text box, but when you test it, the text bloats out to the right, not up and down! I got it to work by snapping it to the top, but you weren't very explanatory about it yourself. Also, you had absolutely no explanation about what the Radio Button did. Pardon my ignorance, but if I'm the viewer, it's not my job to figure things out on my own; it's your job to help me understand.


The illusions are nice, but only a couple are yours. I find it unfair that you should be profiting from other peoples' work. Many of these images are probably copyrighted, and even if they aren't, it's still wrong that you're getting an award for something you didn't do. I appreciate the ActionScript put into the buttons, the music, the volume control, and the quality adjuster, but these are all fragments of things. You need to make work composed of your own material.


Graphics are sticks, but it's a stick game! What more could I want? Perhaps you could have added a bit more color, if just to darken the scene.
Sounds were pretty good, nothing too repetitive, not 8-bits, thank god.
Violence was pretty gruesome, but it was just sticks, so that's fine.
There was quite a bit of humor when you tried the wrong inventory items. It was worth several laughs.
Gameplay was nothing hardcore, but it was interactive enough to be a good game. Not terribly original, but it was fun nonetheless.
Overall, a spiffy little game.

Once upon a time, water taught itself how to feel pain.

Age 29, Male

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