
734 Game Reviews

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I'm going to review the changes in particular, since I already reviewed the last one.
The graphics are a bit better, the gameplay has a neat Special option, but with the Upgrade button, you can deplete all of your points until you have enough to upgrade, and you'll upgrade as many times as you want. Too easy to exploit. Not enough has changed. If you're using Flash 8, take any Movie Clip or piece of text, go to Properties > Filters, and add some!


The game itself was very simple, too much so. Just two action options, and you can't lose if you dump all of your points into strength. However, I am impressed by the Save option. I'd really love to know how to use the flush feature in Flash.

Graphics: Very simple and crude. The animation was quite smooth, but it needed more, like a background and some good graphical buttons for style. 6/10

Sound: It was okay, but nothing special. 7/10

Interactivity: As I said, just set your strength as high as it can go and make a few well-timed moves, and you can't lose! Not enough to it, but the save feature and stats are rudimentary for good games; this has serious potential. 9/10

Style: Rather unoriginal and poorly presented. 5/10

Humor: VOID. 0/0

Violence: Although it's a fighting game, it doesn't have enough blood or gore for me to give it a real rating in violence. 7/10.

Overall: Quite a good game, nothing special, but with all things combined, you'll make great things in no time!

Spoofman101 responds:

thanks. I'm already making a new one right now. Better music fighting backgrounds and there is an Upgrade option. I might or might not add things to the battle just because I wanted to keep something kinda classic. But you guys are craving a spell or something so I could make an exception.


A bit pointless, and more like an interactive movie than a game, but I still liked it a lot. The windows that popped up said some kind of funny things, and Ok/Continue/Next was replaced with the humorous "Yeah Sure" button. Great gizmo!


The game was good, but I think the boss should have been easier; I got to the point where I'd bashed him three times after he started spouting the laser, and I think you should get several lives while fighting him.

Graphics: Simple, but decent. It well fits the modesty of the game. 8/10

Sound: Good. I especially liked the indicator of how far you'd gotten when the boss grunted. 10/10

Interactivity: This is an original game with a highly original concept. Suitable for all ages, challenging, fun, and there are endless possibilities with the level creator. 10/10

Style: Well done, innocent look to it, very addicting, great presentation. 10/10.

Humor: Small bits of oddities in the level names, but not too much otherwise. Still, a nice, subtle coating of it. 8/10.

Violence: Although it's suitable for all ages, the boss' ever persistent grunts and decapitation of his underside dome were a bit gruesome. 9/10.

Overall: A great original game, I'd recommend it to anyone (if I remembered, which I won't).

OVER 9000!!!

My final score was actually over 20,000! I'd gotten several upgrades of all weapons, full engine, and penultimate dual-shots. The graphics are quite simple but good. 7/10. The sound was a bit minimal, but at least it wasn't repetitive. 6/10 The gameplay was incredible! Great shop, great upgrades, fun enemies, a constant paranoia of death! 10/10. Style was classic, yet the shops were original. Good presentation and all, very good! 10/10. Violence was practically non-existent, but it contributed well to the gameplay. 10/10. Humor: Some of the upgrade descriptions were a bit funny, but not excessive. 10/10. Overall: Great game! I love it! The gameplay and style compensate for the lack of graphical and audio features. This is epic.

Is it? Is it? IT IS!!

The game we've all been waiting for! Fast-paced shooting and stabbing, mixed with some interesting fighting features, a survival mode, and a great 4-part adventure make this an epic hack'n'slash! Graphics are stick figures, but how else is it going to get on Stickpage? Besides, the weapons look pretty good. The gameplay is awesome, ranging from berserk bosses to die-hard gunmen. Violence, also another great element. Probably the platform equivalent to Ballistick. Sound was good quality, appropriately timed and such, nothing too repetitive, like many submissions have. Humor: VOID. The style was nothing original; just stick figure violence, but it's all good :D By now, I've seriously considered favoriting this!


Graphics: 8/10 - Good for the time, I guess. Simple, but in good taste, and in a good style.
Sound: 6/10 - A little repetitive, could have used some better music, but it was alright.
Interactivity: 9/10 - Very fun, but as you said, it's a minigame, so it's not that much of anything. Still, it was quite fun.
Style: 7/10 - I liked it. It was pretty good, though a bit simplistic.
Violence: VOID - None to speak of.
Humor: VOID - I guess the theme was a tad funny, but overall there was no humor.
Overall: 9/10 - Good for its time, and a fun little gizmo, plus some addicting game play, especially with the primitive tools of '03, this is great!


Graphics, animation, and presentation are very good, but I noticed a few things. The platform script was very primitive, indicated by the lack of complex level design and constantly bouncing flea. Another thing was that it was way too easy; I didn't encounter serious problems until level 15! Still, a fun little game, but could have been a little more fresh and original.

Oh My God!!

Graphics: 10/10 - Just a few punky guys, but they're drawn very well. What little there is great.
Sound: 10/10 - Top-notch, high quality. The voices are pretty funny, and of course the drums and acoustics are perfect; that's what it's all about. I love how heavy it all is!
Interactivity: 10/10 - A bit complex, but the instructions explain it very well! Easily accessible descending, deleting, and playing features.
Style: 10/10 - Great presentation and art style, defined style of realism. Vast yet simple 'gameplay.'
Violence: VOID
Humor: 10/10 - Not much to speak of, but the overdone voices were quite funny. The talking penguins are pretty funny.
Overall: 10/10 - Perfect. This is, in one word, epic. Perhaps there could have been a stopAllSounds button.
TRY THIS!! (Yeah, I know it sucks.)


Scripting is done very well, physics are great, nice music, great difficulty, great for all ages and all level difficulty players. This is the making of a perfect game! Make more!

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