
734 Game Reviews

175 w/ Responses

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Great graphics, great sound, good originality in turning it into a game, very nice gameplay. The only thing that you could have added would be a little number thing to keep track of your score.


I am very suspicious. The graphics are basic and stolen from the walkthrough. There's no sound. There's no humor or violence. The style is nonexistent; it's been done way too many times, and better. The gameplay is old, a little static and annoying, and overall not very good. All in all, this is terrible. Additionally, all three of your submissions so far have been things that look like they've been taken from copy-paste walkthroughs. This seems like proof, as you haven't even taken the graphics yourself. Seeing as even if you did make this, it's a bad game, I'm going to have to give you a 2. Criticism? If you aren't already, learn the right (and hard) way, understand the script and regurgitate something that's a bit more original.


I'll give you an extra star because of the extra level design and extra features (like the mute button), but it's still the same unoriginal game. A hard game challenges a player's mind -and- physical reflexes... If you've had the presence of mind to acknowledge that, this game would have been much better. I guess it's a decent game, but again, I really didn't enjoy it. If you want more specific details, check out my review for the first one. It's basically the same game anyway.


I don't feel like going into that much depth, so I'll do a simple categorized review:
Graphics: 2/10 Very bad, very simple. The only thing I didn't mind about them was that they were concise and didn't leave any crap dangling around.
Sounds: 6/10 It was decent, both music and sound effects, but the dying sound got way too old after a while. Perhaps you could have made it play a random dying sound or something. The finishing ding was nice, though.
Violence/Humor: 0/0 Not part of the game, won't effect overall score.
Style: 0/10 There was none. The graphics sucked, there was no plot, and the self-conscious nature of the words between the levels were just terrible.
Gameplay: 8/10 There was nothing wrong with it, and the difficulty did make it pretty fun... But it was unoriginal, stupid, got old after a while, and definitely could have used some spice. Perhaps timers, switches, enemies with AI, water, traps, etc. Need I go on?
Overall: 5/10, not too great. The gameplay and sound were satisfactory, but the other elements simply brought this Flash crashing down. You definitely could have made things better, but between the smug nature of the comments and the (sometimes) annoyingly hard (as opposed to fun hard) gameplay, I really didn't enjoy it. Friends are always showing it to me, and every time they do I want to strangle them.

Very Nice

Great anti-spam concept, very fun gameplay, like Castle Crashing the Beard but better! Very nice!!


Very nice, except for two things. 1) The axe is frickin' impossible to aim. 2) If you half enter a room and then go back, you're still in darkness, and if you keep walking you fly through the wall until you're in the lit room.


Didn't know this was on Newgrounds, let alone the fact that it's now in the Top 50! Graphics were incredible, I have no idea how you did them. Though perhaps Ned's graphics could have been a bit better. The sounds were great, too, but during the battle sequence, they could get a little repetitive and somewhat suggestive (O_O). There was a great context for both the humor and violence that all wrapped up the story very well. Very stylish, like all of your games. The only problem was it was a bit short, and each sequence (ex. find Annabel, find the cable, rescue Annabel, etc.) was a little too long. The proportions seemed kind of off all in all. And for those of you who just can't get all of the sprite droppings, here:

Congratulations on collecting all 49 Sprite Droppings! Even though they're poo, they don't smell bad at all! (Maybe a little...)
The second Neverending Light takes in the outskirts of "Within City," the city where above the Cablad Caverns. D (the guy you play as in this game) runs out of luck, so you take on the role of Anabel who is trying to save him. Anabel gets a gun, and head out to find a doctor admidst an invasion of creatures and darkness. Her quest to save D takes and unexpected turn, though, when she starts having visions.
Meanwhile, Ned's kind enact their plan to eat everyone on the surface of the earth. Yum!


It's a Tower Defense-style game, but you can combine the 'turrets'? That rocks! There's so much I want to say about this game, but this has just left me speechless.


Despite the score, it's actually pretty neat. The little characters are cute, and the animation is kind of neat. Although I like the current menu, this would definitely be a neat gizmo. The only problem is as the PSP keeps updating, they might add more things, and if they used this design, the circle could eventually end up being enormous. Still, good effort, cool animation.

Cheeseycom responds:

Yeah good point, I don't think I was really being practical.. this was more of a creative exercise than anything else.
Thanks for the review =]


The gameplay is a little far-fetched, but it's really fun! Decent graphics, outstanding puzzle-like gameplay, and some pretty stylish things! The robot made some of the things rather uncreative, but overall it was a great game!

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