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Taking everything into perspective, this was a damned impressive game when it came out. The multiplayer aspect was unusual, rare, and worked very well. I enjoyed all of the levels a lot, which I found to be quite balanced with a few exceptions (Buto was very luck-based, Going Down is too easy to skip entirely.) I remember that I definitely wanted a level editor and increasing stats, which were added in PR2, though this has a certain charm to it as well. A little disappointing that even with a high speed stat it runs pretty slowly, though when I first played this I didn't mind since it was all I knew.

Very good effort here.

Is this supposed to be clunky? The graphics are simple but not great, the music is repetitive and terrible, but the gameplay is really the worst. The jumping mechanic is clunky, the physics are awful - in the first level, I landed squarely on the cheese block three times in a row, only to be pushed to the left by a mysterious force and die. The exploding mimes are even worse, pushing you backward off platforms, or having random spiked balls require near-impeccable timing to get past. It wasn't until I reached the invisible platforms that I realized this was a rage game, and that this was explicitly what you were going for (I hope.)

Considering this game is meant to frustrate and upset, it should come as no surprise that people aren't going to like it. I quit at the level with the rocket upgrade and the balloons, partially because nothing seemed to work, and partially because I just wasn't interested in playing more.

Kind of crappy, honestly. The controls are smooth but there's very little to do in this game but run and gun. Moreover, enemies have a tendency of changing to green just before you shoot them, and frequently you'll shoot one at close range only to lose a life. There doesn't seem to be much of an objective here, and multiple times I cleared the entire map only to be stuck until I inevitably died.

I little dull. I like the presentation a lot but there's nothing to do except jump in the direction of the arrow and fly into black holes repeatedly. Add SOMETHING. A timer, collectibles, enemies, anything.

There are some major problems here but also some major potential. The first thing I noticed was a style of minimalism which sometimes helped the game and sometimes hurt it. The silhouette platforms were good. The menu buttons were good. The voice acting was good (though repetitive). The lack of boss music was bad. The lack of animation for the enemies was really bad. The lack of any sort of AI apart from the boss was very bad. The lack of a menu background, bad. The general lack of things to do in the game, very bad. The fact that the difficulty only affects your health, also bad. Even when you have a crouch feature, you only use it a few times throughout the entire game.

Overall the game showed signs of polish, but just as many signs of a lack of polish. The textures in the background were well-done, the character sprite is well-done, and the boss, interestingly enough, has well-drawn hands and a very sloppy looking body. I like how the lava had a delayed reaction in response to the boss' pounds, and how the screen shook with each attack. I see that you tried to spice things up with a flight mechanic in level 4, but it's not enough. You need to incorporate stuff like special abilities, collectibles, or features like climbing, sliding, or grabbing. This game is lacking in content and it hurts it a lot. Overall the gameplay becomes very formulaic due to the fact that the enemies don't even respond to the player. It also makes the player feel disengaged, which could have been rectified by implementing some kind of plotline.

I also want to mention that you really need to do something about that boss battle. I actually liked the physics - it's neat how the player moves faster while jumping - but I found many times that the player was sometimes fast enough to out-walk the boss' attacks, and was sometimes too slow. I noticed the player tended to die from this while walking outward from the center more often than if the player was walking toward the boss, but it wasn't a sure thing. The mechanics were at points sloppy, having once been pushed back into a wave of lava by a hand, or other times falling straight through the ground because I didn't jump quite high enough (at least stop the player from moving forward, show them that they've hit a wall).

Anyway I just want to reiterate that the boss fight is hell if you're going for achievement 05. It's frustrating and fickle and I feel like you didn't have enough people beta test the project. It would have been nice if the boss had more attacks, but more importantly the delay between the attacks needs to be greater, or at least more consistent.

Etherblood responds:

Hey, thank you very much for your detailed feedback, I agree with most of your points.
The main reason so many areas are lacking is due to my timelimit of 1 month. I never made a game with deadline before and pretty much messed up my time management (and adobe flash worked against me sometimes, it was pretty frustrating, I won't be using it from now on). I'll also spent a lot more time on games in the future.
The voice acting are just 'stolen' sounds from the League of Legends champion Nami (some enemies have Brand's voice and the boss has Malphite's), there wasn't much to take from, so yes it's repetive.
The combat in this game is pretty non-existant, your only attack is to stand still! and move your sword forward, and the enemies apart from the boss all have a set path, thats just sad...
I never encountered a bug where I was pushed through the floor, that obviously should not happen.
The boss battle is very easy when you know how it works, I think the problem is that the possibilities to beat him are pretty limited and the game has no hints at how whatsoever.
I personally find lv4 much more difficult than the boss fight (because I know how it works).
I ended up adding a lot of random because it got to repetive, adding more phases instead might have been a much better approach. I pretty much just forgot about boss battle music even though it's the most important part...
Well, again, thank you very much for your feedback, it's helpful and I'll make sure to reread it as soon as I'm working on the mentioned stuff in my next platformer.

What can you say that hasn't already been said about Flappy Bird? Same graphics (nice color scheme though), same sound effects (nice music though), and the same gameplay. I was a little annoyed by the fact that the bird moves so slowly in this version, but considering it doesn't really matter how far you get I wasn't really frustrated.

What did frustrate me was that the game hiccuped like crazy. From the moment I started the game, the music frequently cut out for split seconds, and it was common for my spacebar to decide not to work while playing. I don't know if this is made in HTML5 or Unity or what, but you probably could have made this exact same game in Flash 5 and it would have been more stable.

That said, the dialogue was decent, well-written, and poetic. What I found odd about it was that you used Flappy Bird as a medium to express the text. I get that there's this whole "jumping through hoops" thing but honestly the hype surrounding Flappy Bird made it very hard to take this seriously. One of the things that made Flappy Bird viral was how STUPID the game was, in a funny sort of way. That doesn't translate well into the existential depression expressed in this game. This doesn't catch me in the gut the way Billy Suicide did, or provide original gameplay like Fixation did - it just presented a sub-par game with a message that tried to fit in and didn't. The result is that the two clash pretty badly. Oh well, if nothing else it's kind of funny.

It took 126 jumps but I beat both bosses. I have to say I'm really impressed.

The graphics are a nice switch-up from the last game. The ground looks much better, and while that's the only major change, it counts. I wish it were a little more blurred or more detailed, though. As it is, I can see strange blurred textures with razor sharp edges running across, as if you have a texture that doesn't loop well. The buttons, tricks, and new graphics (such as the rockets and dumpster) look very good and for what this game is I wouldn't ask for anything more.

The sound effects are kind of basic and I wish you had more variety, perhaps with voice acting as well. You could probably make a really funny plotline to a game like this, it's too bad it's not really expanded on. I'm glad there's no music, as I spent a long time playing this and would have gotten sick of anything you put in.

The gameplay is definitely improved from the last game. The upgrades are simple and effective, though I'm really not a fan of all of the new tricks since it became hard to remember some of them. Overall I liked the whole risk-reward thing with the groupies, and it was satisfying building my way up. The one problem I would note is that between having all of the equipment and upgrading to the dumpster, earning the money for it takes far too long and ends up being a very protracted part of the game, especially in contrast with how cheap Dumpster Dive is immediately afterward. The same can be said for the golden cart and Hang Glider.

The main reason I really like this game, though, is that you incorporated those two boss battles. While I felt they were both way too difficult, I also liked that they broke up the gameplay and offered a stunning level of variety. My only gripe here is that you can only fight each boss once. I wish there were options that would have allowed players to pull off a bunch of tricks, fight a boss, and then stick a really cool landing all in one go - maybe even allow the player to fight both bosses in the same run. The 2000 point bonus is also pretty measly considering the difficulty of the bosses, I think a x2 multiplier would be more appropriate.

Overall I like the added replay value and updated features, but something should be done to improve end-game replay value. Perhaps certain challenges that isolate height, distance, and style, or more challenges involving specific upgrades or bosses (eg. go X meters only using the single booster).

Decent, I suppose. The graphics, physics, sound, and presentation are all very tight, though I think the game could stand to be more difficult and maybe include more features just for the sake of being a good game. Since the game never required the player to perform impossible feats, I never felt very debilitated by the lack of jumping or climbing. Perhaps it would have been better if you had a stamina gauge instead that would drain faster, increasing the difficulty, or perhaps having jump height or climbing/walking speed decrease more gradually. I definitely didn't like that I was still able to run really fast even after my jump height had been reduced so much.

The dialogue is fine but didn't really move me, I think that's pretty much impossible for a game this short. I also want to point out how stupid the word 'cure' is. I'm really sick of people acting like you can just throw money at a bunch of scientists and more money will miraculously equal more progress, even as cancers and autoimmune diseases have been steadily increasing. Obviously we're giving money to the wrong foundations if the problem is getting worse. But enough politics, this is a good game.

Much better than the first one. I think the soundtrack could have been changed, and you might have been able to add different color themes as unlockables. Most importantly this is still lacking a random level generator, which could make this a lot more interesting.

9/10 because you've made major improvements, -1 because it's still not perfect.

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