
734 Game Reviews

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:( Bad

I generally don't like soundboards, but that's not why I'm going to slam this... There's a bad delay when you click on a button, making it hard to piece together sentences. Additionally, the number buttons weren't very accessible (it was hard to click right on them) which was also hard in piecing together a sentence. And lastly, the voice wasn't the right Speakonia voice. I haven't opened Speakonia in a while, but I know it has several voices, and that's the wrong one.


Simple graphics, and although the first two levels had pretty basic ones, the 3rd and 4th levels looked pretty cool. Nice neon colors, very fun to play, and I loved how every level had a different gameplay method. The physics were pretty well done. However, it would have been nice if there were something like a difficulty setting, such as Easy being +3 lives after every level, Medium being +2 lives after every level, Hard being +1 life after every battle. It would have made many more possibilities for medals. Also, despite the fact you said the game is tough, I beat it on my second try, and even on the first I got to the final boss. Still, very fun game, great music, okay graphics, extremely stylish, although not very funny or violent, it was still a great play!

Very Fun!!

Graphics: Very well done! Cool aircraft, nice explosions and especially the lightning!
Sound: Nice quality, the game music doesn't get old, although the menu music does a little.
Violence/Humor: Average, nothing special, but nothing to stress about, either. These categories are mainly reserved for movies, anyway.
Style: Fun, and in good taste. Cool layout of different elements, just about perfect.
Interactivity: VERY fun! I love the arrow types, and how there were strategic combinations and such. The Fortress and Combo upgrades were a bit pointless, I only felt myself needing them in about 2 or 3 battles, and even then I only used the shield or multiple turrets. As for the gameplay, very good, although it was annoying to have to wait for the reload circulation when the game was lagging a lot.

The first upgrade you should go for is the Lightning Arrow. Get it fully upgraded, perhaps with an alternative arrow just for the time being. After that, get the Homing Arrow and combine the two. This is a great beginner's start. But then replace Lightning with a fully-upgraded Explosive Arrow. This is the best combination for the vast majority of the entire game! For a few select challenge battles, I like to go berserk with Explosive+Lightning Arrows, which are the most offensive. I like to think of the Explosive+Homing as being more strategic, though. When going dinosaur hunting, I strongly suggest Time Arrow+Helium Arrow. This way, by shooting a dinosaur twice, you've eliminated the chance of them falling offscreen. Don't do this for the flying dinosaur, though. For the really tough battles, the Bubble upgrade is probably the only one you'll need, although you'll probably want multiple turrets if you want to go for Quickdraw. And don't ask me why I've put this at the end of the walkthrough, since I probably should have mentioned it first. I'll explain it in very simple steps. When upgrading with at least enough money to buy a Fortress Upgrade:
> Click an Arrow Upgrade
> Click the next level for it, but don't click the checkmark. Just leave the confirmation window open.
> Click the Fortress Upgrade panel to bring it up.
> Buy affordable Fortress Upgrade of your choice.
> Go back to the main upgrade panel. The confirmation box for the Arrow Upgrade should still be up.
> Go ahead and buy it. Not only are you getting more than your money's worth, but you might even be able to steal some money in addition to the upgrade!
NOTE: This also works for Combo Upgrades.


> Graphics: Simple but good.
> Sound: Very catchy music, lots of subtle sound effects that really wrap up the game.
> Violence: Nothing excessive, but a nice little blood effect when he died. Got kind of annoying though, especially watching the same, slow animation, followed by the slow descending and ascending of the retry panel.
> Humor: It was kind of odd that you were puking your way through all of the levels, which was a tad funny, ditto the description. It got old after a while, though, but not in the way that it got bad... I just kind of forgot that all the liquid was puke :P
> Style: Very nice interface, cool art style, great background and background animations. Pretty much perfect.
> Interactivity: Eli, you are a legend. I sure hope you get some publicity from this game. Very nice liquid physics, great types of puke, great puzzler, but also challenges reflexes. Some of the levels are a bit more annoying than hard, but the majority are just awesome! I was tearing my hair out through some of them :D Good physics, good movement, I would have preferred if he could jump higher or lower depending on how long you held down the W key, but other than that, great controls, too. The Crux had me stumped for a while, but after a while I got through that, and the rest too! An exercise for the brain and the fingers! The level editor was cool, although I don't have the brains to make a good one :P I especially liked that you could make your levels as complex as all of the other ones, and that the creation interface was so smooth and simple. A couple levels, though, such as Precautions, were a little luck-based. Still, very nicely done!

I'd say the only thing that could make this better would be something like some kind of multiplayer arena, although you'd probably have to talk to Jiggmin if you wanted something like that. Maybe bigger levels, shown with a VCam. The coolest would be if you could race and kill each other with acid and stuff. That would be pretty sick.

This was an absolute joy to play, I really wish it could have been a wee bit longer, and maybe had some medals like the following:
Lazy: Finish a level without taking any steps.
Fatass: Finish a level, jumping only ___ times. (0-1, maybe?)
Conservative: Finish a level with ____% of your puke left (maybe a couple levels would be ineligible for players to win the medal on.

God that was Stupid

The graphics were nonexistent. Just a circle graphic to start and stop the music, and some element icons ripped from the internet. The questions are rather vague and difficult to answer, I found myself right-clicking and selecting Forward to skip the question about half of the time. The song is rather obnoxious, too. This needs heavy work. Maybe quiz games just aren't your thing.

smileinyoursleep responds:

i thank for your review but most people like this sort of thing and the question are just detailed also the graphics aint that good i know


Graphics are good, so is the sound. That's about it. I'm going to be critical and list all of the things that are wrong with this game:
- You move very slowly. Not only does it lag, but the player is just scripted to move very slowly.
- The game has a simple strategy at the beginning; move up and down to avoid the big smasher. The thing is, if he even starts charging up that attack, it almost always hits. Even if you manage to get in there and flank him a couple times, he just counterattacks and blasts you anyway!
- The medals don't work. I was cheated out of a MARYPOPPINZ.
- Later in the game, if you get knocked down, he just uses his saw attack on you. You can dodge it sometimes, but sometimes it's impossible.
- Every time you get dizzy, the boss starts repairing itself and you get an icon of someone pushing a button. It doesn't tell you which button, and although generic button mashing seems to work, I've accidentally restarted the game about 3 times because of it.
- You can lose health without your shield running out.
- It's ridiculous to have a shield feature when you can't even block any of the attacks (save the cannon).

Overall, this is an extremely infuriating game, and there's nothing redeeming about it.

Readers, try jumping and attacking him. It's the only way to get a lot of damage, even though he'll just counterattack as soon as you land.

Duuude Hard

This game is way too hard! The graphics are nice, ditto the sound and animation, but the hitTest is totally messed up! Even if I clear the cacti it still says I've lost health!

Luck-Based, but Good

Instead of the Graphics/Sound/Violence/Humor/Style/I nteractivity scale, I'm going to rate each phase of the bosses. We know the drill; the engine is the same for all of the games, even if the gameplay isn't, the graphics are done by Luis, so they're just great anyway, the animation likewise. We know BoMToons' reputation. So let's cut the crap and review the gameplay:

BOMBS: This is the first, and easiest stage. It's kind of weird having a non-boss battle sequence when the rest of the game is, though. It's somewhat out of context. Additionally, it's very much luck-based, like some kind of die roll when you start the game. On one occasion, I got a spreader, bombs, another spreader, and an extra life before I even faced the boss. On another occasion, I got nothing.

ARMS: The way the arms act independently can be kind of annoying. It's nearly impossible to act preemptively before an attack can hit you, such as double laser lacerations, or a laser ball with the rocket lasers. It's kind of luck-based just like the roll. Especially with the bombs that pop out. I got missiles and a spreader just after entering the battle, and as a result I won the whole game without losing one life. Again, very luck based.

UFO: Thankfully, this is a bit more of a skill challenge, as the UFO follows a bit more of a distinct pattern. Run between the lasers, dodge the beams, shoot the minions, etc. However, it annoyed me that the best way to avoid the lasers was to spam Down + S, not because it was too easy, but because it was such an unnatural notion for such a physics-based game. It was also annoying that the gun knocked the minions back so much; you couldn't tell if you had gotten them all or if one of them was gonna flank you from behind.

SQUID: This was really fun, as it's a falling sequence. There's a cool avoiding sequence, and it's a welcome change. Unfortunately, I was a bit irked that when the squid summoned rockets, if you were in the wrong place, you got zapped instantly. Once again it was kind of luck-based. I'm not saying skill isn't involved, but I'm saying that luck does warp the gameplay much more than it should.

BRAIN: The most damaging yet weakest phase of the boss battle. It's kind of neat to compensate offense for defense when you have a time limit. Although it was kind of annoying getting constantly zapped with little to no patterns, it was a little fun.

OVERALL: On a normal game, I could get to the brain battle, but the game is so luck based that when I got triple missiles, I was able to beat the brain in 30 seconds. I'm not complaining that I won, but I am a bit upset that your games are not only ridiculously similar, but also have so much luck. I'm sure this review has gotten redundant, but nonetheless I find it important to state the facts. Still, a good game, but 1 point off because of balance issues.

Under Par

Some simple repetitive graphics mixed with some really juvenile GLaDOS voice (not your fault I guess), and the gameplay is repetitive and requires nothing more than spastic clicking to explore the areas. Click the keycard, try the locked doors, click all of the cracks, try all of the windows. I've only seen one ending, but I don't see what's so great about it.

Holy Crap!

Well let me start off by saying this is one of the best games I've ever played. Aside from a couple tweaks that I'll mention later, this actually is the best game I've played.

Graphics: Outstanding silhouettes, intricate backgrounds, very cool effects. It even looks like you used the API to draw random slash marks, although I'm not positive.

Sound: Some of the best audio I've ever heard. The music sounds like a cross between techno, metal, and Indian music. All very good quality, and with good context.

Violence: Not that much blood, but it was pretty cool and stylish. Although one part near the end nearly got me, with the arsenal in the pit.

Humor: None.

Style: Although the plotline was a little cliche, it was a bit cool that you play the antagonist's apprentice. Not only that, but the context of everything; animation, art, sound and all; was probably some of the best I've ever seen.

Interactivity: A cool real-time battle, with escalating difficulty. Cool terrain, neat balance boards and falling platforms, cool dynamic environment, and a shifting V-Cam to top it off. The wall-jumping was cool, and there are multiple styles of gameplay, such as going through it thoroughly to get Killer 80, Art Collector, Orb Hunter, and Sound Guru, and going through the game on a lighter, quicker method, so as to get Long Live the King and Red Moon Deity. Although I haven't finished the game yet, nor have I gotten all of the orbs, this will definitely have me coming back for more!

THINGS TO IMPROVE ON: These aren't really hard things to fix. On some of the pillars that you wall jumped off of, only part of the pillar was an interactive piece of wall. However, the piece that wasn't had a bad contrast with the actual wall part, which could get annoying and difficult to navigate around. The game lagged a bit, the attacking animations could have had smoother follow through to make the game run a bit faster. Even on Low quality it lagged for me. It was kind of hard to perch precariously on some of the small ledges, being frustrating-hard rather than fun-hard. It was a little sad not being able to do combos, as it was more of a masher, even though you could use the down-attack. And lastly, I was really irked that the Z key was the attack when there weren't even different attack buttons. I would have much preferred the A key or the Spacebar. The boss was hard, but rightfully so, so I can't really criticize that.

Once upon a time, water taught itself how to feel pain.

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