Like CubeField
Great game, and it works perfectly! I like how steering rotates the whole thing!
Like CubeField
Great game, and it works perfectly! I like how steering rotates the whole thing!
If I'm Correct...
...Then this is the second computer game I have ever played in my life, when I was about 6 or 7.
Looks like it might get Underdog of the Week.
you think so?
Wicked! Now I can create a fake Mal/Generic-A to scare people with!!
1: Click and drag to the finish
2: Click and drag to the finish
3: Right click and click the finish
4: Flick the mouse off the screen very quickly, drag the cursor from the Taskbar to the finish, release, and click
5: Hit [Tab] and [Enter] over and over.
6: Resize the screen so you can safely move off of the browser, then drag from the Taskbar to the finish. This is unreliable; you may have to do it multiple times.
7: Click and drag off the screen, wait for it, then drag from the Taskbar onto the Finish.
8: Flick the cursor off of the screen as quickly as you can, then drag from the Taskbar onto the finish.
9: Hit the Windows icon at the bottom to pop open the Start Menu over the cursor, then move it to the Taskbar, drag it to the finish.
Great game :D
Two thumbs way...
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
Worship the...
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
Fun and Interesting:
80Z10Z0015210151101511015110151101511 0151101511015120151601127051200152601 510015220Z6014220Z0015210151101512015 1C00601127015160151101511015110151101 5100152001520015220151705216012110Z10 5Z05Z05Z05Z05Z051100152C0020Z6012110Z AAAB0040511C0020Z6013270532A0105Z05Z0 5Z05Z051160151C0020ZC0060132A01051160 1516015160151601516015100Z20Z00142001 4210ZC0010511601516015160151601511051 13051120Z0014210ZA0105116015160151601 51601516015100Z20Z1015210152C0010Z601 51601516015160151601514051100Z20ZC001 0152C0010Z601516015160151601516015160 15200Z20ZA010Z90512505114011240112401 12401126015200Z20Z
Good, but...
coreymbryant and Antivenger are right... You can get one man every 5 minutes and be fending off two enemies, including giants, every second! Not that it's too hard to kill that many people when you have all the upgrades, but it's so stupid, and annoying that you have to wait like 30 minutes before you can take a break!
Best maze game I ever played. Such a pity a lot of people are going to vote 0 because it's a maze game. I didn't said it deserved it... Only that it will happen. Anyway, to prevent the right-click cheat, use this event on the frames with the levels on them:
Hope it helped!
Thank you! i think i've tried the if(} before.. and it didnt work too well... maybe put it in wrong? But maybe next time.. thanks again
Laggy Mouse
If I were you I would have doubled the FPS and double-framed all of the animations, because my mouse was a tad laggy. This caused the attacks to be a bit harder than they should have been. Otherwise, great game.
Lightest to heaviest balls: Yellow, black, grey, blue.
Once upon a time, water taught itself how to feel pain.
Age 30, Male
Software engineer /
United States
Joined on 7/24/07