
734 Game Reviews

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Expertly Done!

Graphics: 9/10 - Very cool backgrounds, good cinematics, some cool fading and glow effects, great graphics for the spacecraft, although the minion spaceships seemed a bit simple.
Sound: 10/10 - Music didn't get old, nice quality, very satisfying explosion sounds.
Style: 10/10 - Everything about it was awesome!!! Great art style, great gameplay style, very neat concept, everything was delicious!
Gameplay: 15/10 - Very good style of gameplay. I love how a new player is instantly handed incredible power, although it's their job to be responsible with it. Also great about it was how simple the gameplay was, and how there were so many levels of difficulty. Upgrades were definitely cool, but more than anything I loved the way the player attacked. Very original and easy to use.

This game was an absolute joy to play!!


I love how the game evolves from a simple shooter into powerful instruments of war. The upgrades are a bit folly, aside from the in-game ones, though... The game was also a bit easy. Maybe some kind of medal like "Beat the game without losing more than 5 times" would be cool.

And here's the best thing you can do:
Line up guns side by side until you have 4 on each side... Start them off as level 1s, you don't need to build up each one slowly before adding another. Just direct the kill zone wherever, and the enemies drop like stones.


Graphics: 5/10 - Very simple, yet decent. Nothing excessive, no animation, so I'll have to go with a 5, though.
Sound: 7/10 - Nice music, good quality, sound effects could get annoying though.
Style: 10/10 - I very much liked the joke on how ridiculous of extents people like Life, Fleshlight, or KingExodus go to just to get some medals. It was a bit funny how you made fun of them in such a painful way.
Gameplay: 0/10 - The gameplay is terrible. Like you said, it's just some OCD crap. Leave your computer on for 14 hours, prop up some toothpaste on the K button, hit Tab and Enter, and decompile the Flash and copy/paste it into the typing terminal. It was very bland, and although everything worked, who would want it to?

Didn't Like It

It was fun, the graphics were simple but pithy and I liked them. The soundtrack was phenomenal, but the gameplay wasn't too hot. You couldn't really button mash or perform combos, the strategy was haywire as the key response time was totally wack, I can't say I enjoyed it too much.

For InvinciBob, just run from the enemies and don't fight them EXCEPT for the level with the first boss. I made the mistake of skipping the enemies, only to have them come back and bite me in the butt while I was fighting the boss. Be thorough with the guys on these levels, and always have your shield in front of you. If it's running out, jump onto a ledge and wait it out.

For Shieldless Wonder, don't fight the enemies AT ALL, AT ALL, AT ALL. You also need the Tutorial to be off, and I like setting the Shield button to something I'll never press, like `. Doesn't matter if you die a few times, just don't lose all of your lives.

Fun, Fun, Fun!

The graphics were utterly awesome, especially the You Got Wrecked skull. Funky and utterly hilarious. Great musical score, the animation lacked proper physics, although my guess is it wasn't supposed to be a style of realism. I loved the secret levels, and how the game was hard but not too hard. Very, very funny, maybe a bit stereotypical, but fun. Definitely.


The scripting was very spiffy, like how Pico would stop shooting if you aimed at walls. The cart-riding was entertaining, but the game lacked depth and originality. It was basically another one of your classic get-to-the-end platformers. Fun, entertaining, but certainly nothing extraordinary. Put some kind of twist in.


It was a simple game, and fun, but lacked some more depth and could have been way longer. I suppose there's not much more to it then that, although it had some good graphics. Tips for the boss: Analyze what he looks like right before he fires off an attack. If he looks maniacal, just move up or down. If he pounds the ground, move left or right, and if he looks angry but NOT maniacal (no bulges) then just jet straight up.

FetusFulp responds:

it could have been longer, and that was the original plan, but i suck at programming and staying motivated so we had to kinda cut it short.


Great graphics, neat procedure to get things done, fun little 'side quests,' and tons of ways to play... However, the game was a bit tedious, and some of the sequences were a bit long, not to mention how slowly the guy walked. It was fun the first couple times around, but it became more of a chore then leisure to get all of the medals.


Interesting concept, although seeing as this is the 4th I can't exactly call it original. The multiple player thing was kind of cool, though, and so were the graphics, even if they were black and white. Fun game to play, although it got tedious. I'm glad to see you've cut out the pranks-on-the-player thing mostly. Good job, could use some originality, but you're deserving of a 9.


Fun and simple. Liked the graphics, the music got kind of annoying after a while, the storyline was a bit bland, but the blurriness got pretty sick near the end! It was definitely fun to play, but to me it seems like you figured out how to degrade quality and decided to immediately make and submit a game with it, without much other material. Once again, good, but simple.

Once upon a time, water taught itself how to feel pain.

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