
734 Game Reviews

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Way too fast. This needs to start off slow and slowly increase in speed. I also don't like that there doesn't seem to be much more to this game than procedurally generated squares that act as obstacles. No powerups? No other hazards? A smarter move might have been to make the maze itself a minor nuisance and add in stuff like bouncing balls that pressured the player from a different angle.

Auto reset bro. I don't think much else needs to be said. The game is fun, the controls are pretty responsive, but this has unforgivable issues. The difficulty was also pretty sporadic - I noticed a few very easy levels following tough ones.

This game is imitating other balance games and does it badly. You draw from a semi-random shape pool that increases with each successive challenge and the only difference in each challenge aside from that pool is the amount of time given, leniency for losing pieces, and the height that you have to stack to. There isn't nearly enough variety. Many games have pre-existing environments to build around which add more flavor, this does not. I beat one level by spiking a tall piece down on top of a tower that was almost about to collapse and I still won.

Also, things balance way too easily. I have a feeling that pieces are completely ignored after a certain point, otherwise this game would be much harder. There really isn't much to this game. You hope for tall pieces to maximize your score and balance the pieces slightly without there being any sort of puzzle element thrown in.

Very original idea, I liked the simplistic graphics too. I would have liked to see a minimap or zoom option, as sometimes it was difficult to play when the circles got so big that I couldn't see where I was going. I also felt as if the game was a little more linear than it looked to begin with - certain things are placed strategically so that you can just perfectly make a jump by holding down a single button, and while that increased the level of puzzle-ness to the game, it also meant the game required less skill at points. I also felt like things slowed down way more toward the end, where individual objectives were so hard to meet and required pushing big clunky balls around. Fun while you can still rock back and forth fast, but once it gets hard it also gets boring. I would have liked to see some kind of time trial.

The mechanics feel artificial to me. The ridiculous amount of grinding involved to get maximum stats is dumb, the upgrades themselves defeat the purpose of speedruns in the beginning since you can just go back with higher stats later. Aesthetically it's nice and I like the upgrades and gameplay, but there's just no replay value to it unless you want to grind to get everything and THEN try to do speedruns. This game feels very commercialized, as if it's going through the motions of including upgrades and a currency system, when what it really needs is a mechanic that motivates the player.

There's a major problem with your power being random every turn. There's practically no strategy left. If players could manage their flow of power (bide their time vs. more points right now) it would actually be fun.

Addicting, but rather threadbare of gameplay. All you do is roll the damned dice. There's no strategy at all. It would be cool if you could hold onto a roll for later or something, or if doubles allowed you to remove one card of your choice, or possibly any factor of the doubles. As it is, it's pretty brainless, even if the luck factor makes it addicting.

It's okay I guess. Pretty simple, not as many modern twists as you claim there are. The music and effects are nice but in the end the only difference is the speed, the time bonus, and the multiple collectibles rather than just one. One issue I see with this is that you could hypothetically get a higher score by stalling, since you get points just for surviving. It would be slower, but it would be a surefire way to get into the hall of fame.

This definitely needs more. The most obvious change I can think of is to have more objects on the screen - enemies, powerups, obstacles, etc.

Definitely interesting. You made a very simple mechanic that quickly blossomed into a fully functional physics game. The levels were definitely not in the right order - some of the last levels were also very easy, while some earlier ones were quite difficult. There also weren't that many shapes - no triangles or hexagons. Though, for what it is, it's short and fun. I also liked that a few of the levels required quick reflexes, it gave this an interesting twist.

I would have liked to see more levels with chains connecting certain objects, or perhaps slippery, sticky, bouncy, or breakable substances. Still really fun though.

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