Knowing this is an existing audio clip is extremely aggravating (and pretty obvious when you consider the girl is voiced by a guy.) What bothers me isn't so much that you used this clip but that you added virtually nothing on top of it. Presumably the joke is given context within League, but based on how easy it is to re-purpose this audio clip (you could do it for politicians, any celebrity being caught in a scandal, etc.) I don't feel like the particular sound clip you chose requires much thinking to turn into a reference.
So when you subtract that aspect from the animation, what's left? A clickbait title that sounds as if it's going to be about something serious, and a clickbait thumbnail with breasts. On the inside, pretty solid drawing and lip syncing, but obnoxiously suggestive poses and choppy movements otherwise, especially the awkward walking (and jiggling) animation at the end. Ultimately what annoys me the most about this is how Buzzfeed-y it is. You take a piece of original content, minimally transform it, then add all of the bells and whistles to attract viewers without providing anything substantial of your own. Though when I see you've been doing the same thing with the thumbnails for the past two years and probably make between $10,680 and $32,040 annually through Patreon I doubt you're going to give a shit about any of this.