
734 Game Reviews

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Good but extremely frustrating at times. As others have said it can be hard to figure out what you can click on and what you can't - a different cursor would help, and I wouldn't mind the option to go back or look at different views being highlighted rather than just clicking near the edges of the screen which left me very frustrated at times. A single word change would also have made this much easier... The 'instrument panel' you refer to is called a DASHBOARD.

Afro-Ninja responds:

Yes but it is more specifically the section that contains the gauges ;)

It's funny but also threadbare. As others have said, there should be events that trigger the sounds, but to me the biggest issue is how uninspired the game is. All you have are bumpers and drop targets, and the side drains don't even function (why put a graphic representation of them there?) Making tables this basic kills the nostalgia people should have for real pinball tables that displayed awesome ingenuity and variety. On top of that the physics are pretty bad, if only because the flippers are so damned slow to respond. They should extend outward almost instantaneously. It's way too easy to lose the ball because of this horrible oversight.

I just beat the game and I still have no idea what the rules are. The first 20 or so I solved simply by counting up in binary. The rest I was able to monkey with and make educated guesses. The binary system is neat, but it damages the replay value of this game tremendously.

GooDMage responds:

Oh... i try to make second part more harder for you :)

I don't want to write too much here seeing as the game only has one major issue. The ghosts you work with are just too damned stupid. It would be nice if you could control multiple ghosts at once, or if you could alternate between them, do something to alter the AI, or even control it like a real-time strategy where you could order a ghost to stake out a certain point and wait for you. As it is, too much of the game is simply outside of the player's control.

Good, but a little easy. You can just mash the flippers and you'll pretty much never lose the ball, which isn't the best on the lower playing field but can get you to 100k points easily on the upper playing fields. There's also not enough variety in the shots - just a couple bumpers and some rollover targets (ducks.) At first I was expecting the playing fields to be infinite, with every direct shot through the top leading to a new field. That would have actually been pretty cool. As it is, this just feels gimmicky. Fun for the few minutes it lasts.

I have to agree with others, this needs polish. Experiment with different speeds, AI levels, and gimmicks like powerups to make this more interesting. Maybe music and some snazzy graphics.

Holy shit, it's almost nine years later and I'm only just remembering the game that took Newgrounds by storm. This is fucking gold. The dance moves are great. The background is great. The track selection is great. This has a certain spontaneity to it that makes one give props for creativity.

I'm a little disappointed that each background is meant to match a song, but only up until a point... After that, the backgrounds just seem out of place. If the backgrounds and songs were a 1:1 ratio it would have felt a lot more polished, just as it would have felt more polished to have the video shown on some kind of TV in the middle of the screen instead of gracelessly superimposing it over the background. (Another minor problem is that the camera seems to have changed positions for certain clips, interfering with smoothness, though this is fairly minor considering there are THIRTY-ONE clips. Holy shit.) I would have also liked some kind of motivation to play with it for longer. Suppose what you have now is a sandbox mode. What if there were a rhythm-based typing game that coincidentally triggered the dance moves as you played?

Damn good (and hard). The physics are really well done and it's almost hypnotic to watch the whole thing unfold when the kernels pop. For what it is, it really couldn't be much better. That said, I wish I knew how many different kinds of containers there were, and maybe have a list of all of the containers I had gotten perfect on to measure my own progress beyond just a highscore.

HEAT9 responds:

I totally agree with you and stats is something I really want to add, but right now this is just the basic skeleton of the game, and I submitted it to get a feel if people have any interest in it before investing more time into it. So far I think I might do just that :) Thank you for leaving feedback so I would know what to focus on more.
FYI there is 30 pots right now and initially you are given a selection of 14. After getting a score of 10, a new harder pot is added to the selection mix and after every 5 points scored. But I will work on improving that algorithm today since new pots still have a hard time of randomly appearing (1 out of 15 chance when you reach a score of 10). I shall update the game soon and frequently.
It's sad that I cant submit an HTML5 version of the game so that Chrome users can play it, but Unity's HTML5 build is still in beta and very buggy, so no other option...

Fun game, and the concept is highly amusing. What turned me off from the game pretty quickly is that there's so little warning before the up and down obstacles move that at a certain point it just feels like you're guessing. The slow-moving obstacles are also a pain since sometimes you just find yourself waiting around. Good concept and solid physics.

I would really like to see spacebar control for this, I got kind of annoyed mashing my mouse.

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