
734 Game Reviews

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Can't believe this is the most played game on the site and I didn't know about it until now. This is a surprisingly fresh game. The graphics and sound are clearly in need of a revamp but the gameplay is enjoyable, if someone annoying due to the framerate feeling kind of choppy. The gravity fields keep things interesting as do most of the gimmicks that you find on the playing field.

Ultimately two things brought this game down. One was that the controls felt spastic and much of the time I didn't really feel like I was in control. The other is that there's no break while playing. Something that breaks up the levels and perhaps allows them to be replayed individually would be nice, because as-is it's a mad rush to a huge point value of 75 without any real structure.

The commentary on this game was pretty funny, but the graphics were underwhelming and items were hard to use. The one-screen system made everything look small and the inventory was also unclear - I was never sure as to what I had because the soap just looked like a tiny pink rectangle. Everything in this game needs to be drawn bigger, and the music should probably be changed because as it is it's really annoying.

Excellent graphics, sound, concept, etc. I liked that there were a handful of things you had to do but winning required you to complete all of them, as this made the game non-linear and much more engaging than the average room escape. I was a little annoyed that you could accidentally take the potion without using it on the meat, as this can mess with your completion without you knowing it.

That said, the feedback at the end really helps and warrants replay value, whereas normally you go to a walkthrough and then never play the game again.

Brilliantly creative and balanced perfectly.

Impressive graphics but there are some UI screws, such as having to guess that you can look under the foot of the bed and not just the head. That, combined with the fake key and having to use the knife in weird places made this unfriendly to play and ultimately degraded this from a puzzle game to a guessing game.

A handful of issues. I dislike that being found is an instant loss, it turns stealth into a game of avoiding under the guise of stealth. You need to punish sloppy play, not make it grounds for a game over.

I dislike that raycasting isn't shown to the player. You can't be spotted through a wall but the visual doesn't reflect that at all. I dislike that the guards turn on a dime and lack smooth movement. I dislike that you can't use traditional stealth mechanics like creating a diversion or hiding in darkness. Sneaking up on guards feels weirdly artificial although as a mechanic it works. Default movement is too slow and I can't seem to pass level 9.

Overall kind of lackluster. The Ultimate Assassin series does everything this game does and more.

This was okay. I liked the writing and the scenarios were funny, but the control scheme annoyed the hell out of me. I found myself constantly mashing X because of how slow the text displayed, and more than once I accidentally picked the wrong option because the highlighted option looped around back to the top.

Other than that, the main weakness here was that the game is short and there are so few options to explore here. It feels very obviously like reading branches of a story rather than actively participating in an adventure, as is the case in games like YFYIAR.

Once upon a time, water taught itself how to feel pain.

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