
734 Game Reviews

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I have no idea how I beat this before, this game is ridiculously hard. I'm not sure I understand how you can destroy everything and get a x2 multiplier or a x1 multiplier - seems like you're supposed to cause a big ruckus all at once but then keep minor explosions going on afterward? Weird mechanic.

The game is pretty and the sound is well-done but it lags pretty badly as the game progresses, making me think you might be keeping data allocated for things that have spawned.

FrozenFire responds:

Yeah this game was poorly optimize sry

Really outstanding by 2005 standards. Stylistically this is such a trademark of its time, but the quality here is significantly higher than other things of the era. The variety of deaths is good and the later ones are mad creative. The art is good, the animation is decent, and the edgy counter culture is at its finest. The horror elements also make this really damn cool.

Kind of an interesting choice for the #1 game in the portal right now, though I suppose the lack of difficulty is probably what's responsible for the lack of 0-bombers. The art, animation, and sound design are all pretty good, although there are a few animators out there (Stone, Oxob, Terkoiz, Hyun, etc.) that could have done it better. Most of all I liked that the voice acting was fairly realistic and didn't sound cartoony as tends to be par for the course with this type of game (especially with female characters.) I think the amount of content that remains available after viewing all of the animation is quite impressive, too. And of course the references are bound to draw some attention.

Anyway this is a pretty solid game. I think I would have enjoyed something a little more involved but there's little to complain about.

PuffballsUnited responds:

I agree with everything you said!

This game is a massive headache. The unit congestion, lack of angles, and inability to see what team someone is on makes this virtually unplayable. It's impressive for 2003 but simply not fun.

Seeing the date on this thing makes me realize what a shame it is that JR3 wasn't funded. The art and animation are outstanding, the style is unique, and the gameplay is fucking hard as hell (maybe too hard?) I think this installment was a little lighter on humor than the previous game, but that doesn't change the fact that there is some serious talent here. Minor points off because the puzzle element ends up dominating the experience compared to the amount of dialogue, although I really like how fleshed out the ending sequence is. Wow!

For what it is, it's not bad. The drawings are simplistic but the gameplay functions fairly smoothly, my main complaint is just that it's hard to determine when or why you're taking damage.

Aside from being able to manipulate the game by timing your clicks, there's really nothing different about this game. I don't feel like this singular idea merits an entire game. It looks cute but ultimately the rolling just becomes a slightly controllable gimmick that slows down the pace of the game considerably. It's also weird how you don't roll for all of the attacks made against you. Anyway, the idea is cute but it just doesn't feel that interesting to me. I was expecting a game with the protagonist being an NPC and the player, being the RNG, decided whether or not to help them. Oh well.

PestoForce responds:

I like your idea for what you were expecting, you should make that game!

You offer absolutely nothing new to the portal by having made this. Everything from the gameplay to the graphics are completely devoid of content. This is thoroughly boring and uninspired.

JackAstral responds:

By content do you mean depth? Also, thanks for trying it out anyway- sorry you feel that way

I really love the music for this but is there a reason an otherwise harmless game is pushing nightmare fuel out of my speakers?

Anyway, this game isn't bad. I like that hitting knives doesn't really do anything except stop your upward momentum, which means it's really helpful to hit them if you're already on your way down. The launch pad kind of pisses me off since it's hard to predict how long it's going to be off-screen especially when paying attention to everything else. Most of all I think it's somewhat unfair because of the random falling patterns - after a dozen serious attempts I still can't beat my 2nd attempt which got me up to 500 points, and I don't think I'm getting worse at the game.

EggysGames responds:

Oh wise kwing

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