Wow, where to begin... The menu is very nicely done, very easy to navigate, and has great music to it, although sad. The text for the game thankfully isn't in the same font, which would have been too extravagant. I love how the text isn't frustratingly vague, but revealing either. It just makes me crave the next line. One thing that annoyed me was that I accidentally skipped over a piece of text and wanted to re-read it. Instead of a Continue button, a Level Select button would have been nice. The graphics were good, although the cartoony style didn't fit with the storyline. On that topic, a few of the earlier lines in the game seemed like comic relief, but it just didn't fit the theme. While comic relief would have worked had you incorporated more characters, and had the comic relief been further into the game, it would have worked, but it just distracts from the overall scheme where you put it. Another thing is that the text near the beginning and end had different colors, which kind of vexed me and had no real reason behind it. The gameplay is almost an exact repeat of the console PSP game EchoShift, and there are several games that are like the few levels with Kathryn. The gameplay overall isn't original, but the level design is. They were just about the right difficulty for me, with the exception of the last level which I had to look up a tutorial for and seemed really cheap to me. It was a fun puzzle game though. Another thing that confused me was why he was running through these levels in the first place? Is he inside his own head or what? That would be a total ripoff of your game Reverb. And then there's the really... Er... Nasty twist at the end. They don't explain why he did it, or anything like that. I liked the story better when I thought that Kathryn's death had CAUSED the hermit's insanity. It was a lot more poetic. But from what I can tell about the story, he was mentally unstable the whole time. Some minor storyline alteration would have made this so beautiful I would have been left in tears... Which reminds me just how great raindrop effects are. If you could have added a simple drizzle of rain throughout all of the levels (or some specifically chosen levels), I think it would have enhanced the game a lot.
Overall, this was a fun game with a very sad but beautiful storyline. This video game is a work of art, although I will say the gameplay is a COMPLETE RIPOFF of EchoShift. The storyline is great though, and the way it's presented simply blew me away.
Eli, you are one of the most underrated Flash authors out there. I look forward to seeing more form you in the future, and I really hope you can get the publicity you deserve someday. You have a great history of game-making and I bet you have a great future ahead of you!