
734 Game Reviews

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Pretty Good

Loved the music, but the graphics were SO minimalistic, and the gameplay was boring. Running around on a wild goose chase just doesn't do it for me, and this stuff about drugs and kidnapping was really the exact same plotline as Reverb 1 and 2, and Inculcation. Nothing too new or interesting. I only found one ending (far left), and I would have gone for the other two if I didn't have to restart FROM THE BEGINNING! Make it so you can restart from where you were before you entered the last room! X_X

From what other reviews say about other endings, it doesn't sound like I'm missing out on much either.


Nice joke. The song selection, voice acting, and terrible graphics added a lot to the scheme you were trying to portray. For a parody, it could have used a bit more, such as accidentally stabbing your ally when he was about to say something (You were supposed to hit the spacebar to cast a heal spell on him! Instead you hit the spacebar and attacked him!) or some other cheeky joke. Right now it's an extension of one joke, essentially. Also, because sometimes you're required to press the spacebar quickly, I missed a lot of dialogue because I pressed the spacebar too quickly to read it. Because of that, I'm docking a couple points due to lack of presentation. You can't spring a joke and not give people a chance to read it! Shame on you, Rhete D:

Still, pretty funny. A great tongue-in-cheek 'game'.

I Wanted to Like This Game

The graphics are nice, the presentation looks a lot like Newgrounds, and the layout is simple and easy to use, but I just couldn't bring myself to like this game. The sound effects are repetitive, the animation is tweened rather poorly, and every battle is the same strategy! Attack, Barrier, Rocket until out of SP, Attack. I only died once, on an earlier level, and that was because I forgot to use Barrier. Way too easy, and it would have been nice if enemies charged up a super attack so you had a use for Defend. Maybe some overdrives as well.

As it is, the game is extremely bland, although I love the customization options. The stats also barely affect anything. I also noticed that the game equips strange weapons for you when you try to equip two-handed weapons when you're holding two one-handed weapons, or vice versa. This game needs way more levels, maybe a plotline, and more depth.

My God

Boring as hell! I can't believe how much praise this has gotten! The graphics are simple, oftentimes Print/Screened, and the buttons don't even look different when you roll over or click them! The music gets extremely repetitive extremely fast, and the whole system is just clicking, clicking, clicking. It's not fun at all! Not even any minigames! This reminds me of some of my oldest submissions, but none of those cleared a score of 2.10, yet this submission has twice that! And no, the date of submission doesn't get you out of hot water; Powerfox came out in '03 and it was loads better than this! Boring, repetitive, albeit well-presented. TRY HARDER.

Pretty Good

The graphics are simple and need an upgrade. Worried about lag? Just replace the graphics with Bitmaps! It'll keep your game looking pretty whilst keeping lag at a minimum! It kind of needs sound, too. As for the gameplay...

It's fun at first but gets old quickly. Not enough tower types and every single tower is a waste except for the Water/Ice towers. Fire towers suck in both damage and range (also towers need firing speed, critical hits... You need to expand on all of the game mechanics), Ice towers have great range and damage, Earth towers just barely pass up Ice towers in damage but fall back horribly in range, and the Armed towers cost way too much for way too little damage and range. All you really have to do is place tons of Ice towers in the middle. Like I said, fun at first but needs loads of improvement.

Holy Crap, I Never Expected This

I played Power Fox all the way back in 4th grade, and wow, I did not imagine another one would ever come out! :OOO Can't believe it's been 6 years already!

Let's see... The cartoony art style is back, although the graphics are a little more high-end. Sadly, the explosions and distractions were a little overdone, and it's kind of hard to see what's going on. This also creates some lag, and the game keeps setting its quality to high. I also don't remember the earlier ones being quite -this- offensive o_o; and I miss my "lifetime supply of hookers".

This game also seems to be a bit harder and longer than the old versions, taking away the fast-paced action of previous installments. The weapons last longer but there are fewer of them (in selection and frequency), again taking away the hectic nature of Power Fox. I found myself playing on Easy just because the rounds were so long.

However, all in all Power Fox is still pretty damn good. Short game and long battles detract from the gameplay, and the jokes get kind of stale when you insult the same culture repeatedly, though. I prefer the old ones (who didn't love fighting Hitler and Killer Bonzai?). I find that this is still worth a 7, though, and most of all I'm happy to see Power Fox on the scene again. Talk about nostalgia!!

One Major Flaw

First, I'd like to say the style of this game is well-done. Controls are simple and you can tap or hold down the space bar to toggle viewing and dragging. The graphics look more programmed than drawn, so maybe faint texturing would have been nice on the sides, but as it is it's fine. It probably would have looked pixelly any other way.

The background and music were a bit too bland for my taste, though; you should have had something relaxing drifting across the background or something, and the music was a little too slow for my taste. Perhaps you could have used multiple audio tracks? I'm a little sick of hearing the same loop over and over.

The gameplay was pretty fun but some levels were damn frustrating. Maybe a timer, a points system, etc. could be used so that people could buy additional hints, or maybe you could have a hint popup specific to how many pieces you had remaining. I also hated that the blocks are solid; sometimes I'd try to move a piece only to find out I couldn't, but the innermost parts of a series of blocks was so dense I couldn't tell what piece it was hitting. Transparent blocks would have been much easier.

Other than that I really liked this game, but it needs some work. And maybe more puzzles; twenty is usually the bare minimum amount of levels you want in a game.

Gets Rather Hectic

Fun game, and I love the strategic placing of whatever you buy, although the game loses its strategy later on. Graphics have a stylish, minimalistic style to them, and the music is pretty simple. The gameplay gets a little old after a while, though, and obviously it lags after too long as well. A lot of that lag could be fixed if the turtles stopped popping out after all of the mines were detonated while you were racking up a combo. Also, more things to interact with, or upgrades for specific items, or environments with natural slopes or extra walls would be cool too. Or maybe a challenge mode where you have to hit the hammer after a certain amount of time, or there's only so many turtles, etc.


I really enjoyed playing this game. The graphics are nice and have a neat style to them, the music is fitting and reminds me a bit of Pandemic II, and the gameplay is stimulating and requires calculated risk. The only problems I had were that Medium was too easy and Hard was too hard. There wasn't much of an in between. You could have also had some kind of zombie shooting sequence similar to The Last Stand every time a zombie horde attacked or something. It got a little boring just playing chess against zombies, you know? Other than that I really enjoyed the game, but I think it needed maybe some voice acting when you got a report, or more plot development, etc. I think the voices are where the game really fell back. See about re-uploading a version with some voice actors having pitched in.

Good but Needs Work!

This works for me and I think it's fun but tons of problems bog the game down. I won't blame you for the simple background because of the way it moves, but you could work on the barriers and targets a bit more. Also, the gameplay is rather slow and sometimes a target is right in the middle of a barrier such that no matter which way I move I can't get into a position to shoot a target, leaving me stranded. The game needs way more; maybe some better music, faster gameplay, and easing on the positioning of the camera. I can't blame you for imperfect response time, but you could at least set it to accelerate and decelerate smoothly.

HUGE POTENTIAL, but not quite there yet.

ImpactGames responds:

Yeah next version is coming soon. To get that target by the way just shoot the heck of the barrier until it vanishes.

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