
734 Game Reviews

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The graphics are nice and simple, but need more color and a bit better animation. The biggest problem of course is the fact that half of the game is in a foreign language (Russian?) and the English is riddled with spelling errors! To make things worse, the text is extremely small and almost completely unreadable. I did bypass this by zooming in, but still...

Also the music is extremely repetitive. Despite the fact that I absolutely love the music from Final Fantasy Tactics, looping it over and over on a very short loop gets very annoying. Also, the tabs and everything are not explained well AT ALL, and while everything looks very polished, one would still get the impression it was written in another language if it wasn't. Too many tabs!

The gameplay didn't work for me, seeing as my character refused to attack at all. And since I couldn't understand whatever language the game was in, I was unable to learn anything else about the game. The concept looks great and I can imagine it being really fun, but sadly there were too many things in the way for me to enjoy it properly, especially since the game really shows its age.

Not Very Compelling

The graphics are standard, nothing great, nothing bad. The music is good but gets kind of old quickly, and could use a jukebox or a mixup of tracks. The gameplay is extremely recycled; just shoot. I also didn't like how the cars later on made it so that sniper rifles just weren't worth it. I lost because of it and had to continue onward with rapid fire weapons only. Frankly it's just bland.

When I saw the title I was hoping for lots of scenes with voice acting and a great satirical storyline, but I got neither. This is a pretty big letdown.


Just a bunch of click and drag stuff, and you can't even rotate or flip it. That's the first thing I'd like to see with this. After that, add more weapons and sprites to load, and also use linkage to make players able to spawn things at will.


I like the depth and the graphics are nice, but the physics are so off the game is almost unplayable and there's such a poor, unrealistic sense of timing in it. The ball bounces so much and never rolls!


The art style is tacky, the flippers only work some of the time, sometimes the pinball gets launched right into the lane on the left and you don't get a chance to do anything, and there's barely anything on the field to hit. Also everything moves way too fast.


Great effects and layout! I also thought the animations were very well done. Very smooth, and well shot. Certain effects, such as the lightning, were superb. The only one I really didn't like was EvilTie's, whose made no sense and was somewhat poorer quality than the rest. Other than that, though, I really enjoyed it! Very smooth!

Needs Improvement

The graphics are nice, but I don't like how the reviews are laid out, nor how the buttons kind of move up and down. Setting them up such that the button is in the same place every time would have been nice, and I would have also liked having the number question I was on displayed. I had no idea how long the quiz was, so I didn't know when I would get my score or medals or anything!

The sound was also kind of obnoxious and repetitive, and the grading system is oftentimes a matter of opinion, as review mods have mentioned that they interpret the rules differently. For instance, I currently have a Deity whistle, yet I only was awarded a Silver whistle upon completing this quiz. Coop is a mod... Refer to his review for more info.

A Little Too Simple

The graphics are nice and work, and I suppose they're 'cute' as they were meant to be. The animation was simple and minimalistic. The music was unmemorable and didn't really stick in my head, while the sound effects were fine, though the voices got very obnoxious after a short time. The story was bland and not entertaining at all.

The gameplay was where it got interesting. As an action-RPG, the system works. Run into battle, fight, get out. But the controls were just too simple. I liked the system of spells, but there weren't enough, and most importantly, there was only one kind of physical attack and no way to block!

The battles with grunts were much, much too simple, as all you had to do was keep mashing the attack button while making sure you were within the right distance of them, not getting too close. The idea that you had to collect the potions in battle to heal your Health and Magic was also absurd, and I couldn't stand it.

I also didn't like how dying just set you back to your last spawn point. If this was meant to be a kid's game, you could stand to be lenient, but you could also have put in some kind of incentive not to get killed nonstop, such as an Exp multiplier that reset every time you took damage. This also brings me to the point that the battlefields are too simple. More platforms and more complex enemies would have made the game much more fun.

Onto my biggest gripes... I really didn't like how some bosses just have too much health. I found myself intentionally losing to some of them just to go back and grind with other enemies because I needed more attack. Even if I memorized the attack patterns, some battles take way too long without upgrading. And some are much too easy, such as the monsters in the pre-boss dungeon. The attack patterns were too easy to follow for the amount of Exp they rewarded.

The other two boss battles that pissed me off were the Green and Purple knights. The green knight, which I had to defeat by deflecting rocks at, hit me if I tried to cross him no matter what, making it extremely difficult just to maintain enough health to beat him. On top of that, the rocks damaged you even if you were standing under them while hitting them at the right time! In order to properly deflect them, you had to stand such that only your blade would touch the rocks... Which was much too gimmicky for my taste, especially when you had to memorize where exactly to stand.

The purple knight was pretty bad, too. You took damage just by standing where he was, even if he was stunned and dizzy! Finding the right place to stand was obnoxiously gimmicky as well, and most of the 'strategy' I used to defeat him involved waiting for him. Poor show!

The final boss ticked me off too, but wasn't too bad. Mostly I was frustrated at the way he just bounced around, making it hard to hit him and making the battle unnecessarily long and somewhat luck-based.

All in all it was a good try, but it could have been a lot better. Action RPGs are my favorite game genre, but this fell short by a few steps. Too simple, too gimmicky, and not balanced very well. Still, I enjoyed playing it... To an extent.

Well Done

Very nice presentation, and I like the way the buttons look. Very simple and minimalistic, but stylish. The scoreboard and charts also looked nice. The music was fitting as well. The gameplay was simple, interesting, and to the point, but a little too simple for my liking. This also brought out the liberal usage of randomization, which could make or break you if you're already in the top 5% of players or so (Personally I ranked in the best 18%). Certain things such as being able to replay certain tests and see other peoples' scores for those particular exercises would have been a nice add-on, especially as some tests were much more desirable than others.

Once upon a time, water taught itself how to feel pain.

Age 29, Male

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United States

Joined on 7/24/07

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