
734 Game Reviews

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Kind of like a bullet hell fishy. Fun but a little too fast for it to be fair, and too dull for someone to stick it out for the tough medals.

Decent for borderline spam. Kind of funny how you use the same generic button graphics. I like how you use Comic Sans, a plain white background, and that goofy ass music. Nice and sarcastic, medals are easy to get. What else to say? It's a below-par game that manages to be somewhat enjoyable anyway. Nice job protecting from Tab cheats as well.

Kind of fun but also very dull. The time restriction is ridiculous and makes the game too short. Then again, it's simple enough that you really are getting the full experience in the time it takes to play the game once. Needs more everything, honestly. Graphics, sound, game elements.

I wish the screen size were a little better but this is really done exceptionally well. The rotating mechanic is very smooth, the dragging is very smooth, the picture quality remains high, the animation is smooth, and the snapping works really well. Overall this is just well coded and is fun to play. The one thing I would recommend is increasing the screen size, making more of the screen space part of the puzzle rather than having all the menu stuff, and maybe giving more space in general to put loose pieces.

Other than that this is really cool.

I just had to see how a Yaoi game got an E rating. Well, I guess now I know. Where do I even start? The characters are already mediocre but they need animation, too. Maybe some voice acting or a theme song. The dialogue needs to be cleaned up and grammatically correct - it could also stand to be better written and maybe also develop the characters more. But the biggest issue is that there's just not much content here. Beyond the minimal background work and characters, it's just a bunch of poorly written text with branches that send you back to the beginning if you don't make an advance on a guy and lead to a one frame kissing picture if you do.

If I saw some serious effort put into any one category of this Flash I would have been less strict but this just lacks everything that a game asks for.

Gave me a headache after a while. This is a really fun game - a lot more skill in it than Toss the Turtle, I'll give you that. I really like the whole Doodle Jump feel but with a more hop and bop twist to it. The upgrades were nice and the gameplay was fluid, with the physics feeling very balanced.

What I didn't like was all of the cheap deaths - it's really easy to be shot INTO another enemy, or for your fire chain to run out just before you hit something and die.

I really didn't like this. Sure it's goofy and the graphics are nice but the biggest issue is simplicity and difficulty. This game is way too easy and gets hard way too slowly - I scored an easy 60,000 on my first try but it took so long I don't want to shoot for 100,000. The spinning wheel is just too gimmicky and when the treadmill gets too fast you end up holding down the jump button indefinitely, so basically the game is just about coping with the wind and hoping the spike balls don't end up under you when you land. This definitely needs more to it - right now it's like a bad prototype of a platform game.

I do like that the numbers have more color variety in this version, however the Best text field resets with every new game - is something broken?

I played the original 2048 and liked it a lot, but the game has a lot of flaws and in copying the game, you've copied those flaws yourself. The game has a nice difficulty curve - each new highest number only means you're halfway to reaching the next, and as numbers become increasingly difficult to combine the game ramps up in difficulty and squeezes you into a smaller and smaller space.

The issue here is that it's simply too easy to cheat. I mashed two buttons forcing things into a corner, occasionally shifting it back and forth if it got stuck, and acquired my high score of 5.3k without really playing the game at all. Realizing how much fast you CAN make moves demotivates the player from thinking before making a move and in the end the game just ends up being a lot of luck or just really tedious.

A bit boring. I don't remember how I found this game but I know I've played it before. For 2005 the graphics and sound are incredible, too bad the gameplay is rather lackluster. All you do is click, hold, release, repeat. The biggest issue is that I didn't even buy any weapons except the best one, and my strategy worked. Once I had the best weapon, there was no need for the shop or the money I gained - just more monotony.

Not enough changes from the original. I really like the improved graphics, although considering how redundant the landscapes and enemies are, it would be cool if you had the original enemies, and if the landscapes could change without you exiting and reloading the game. The boss battles would be cool if there were more than two bosses and if they did something other than being extremely large monsters.

The stat system is cool - it helped keep the spells and max HP level balanced, although some stats like Speed were not explained.

Overall I do like it - I've always liked Demonic Defense. The issue is it's not altogether that different from DD3.

Once upon a time, water taught itself how to feel pain.

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