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Hmm, seems kind of like a cross between Tyrian and Pursuit Force.

Really good game, I enjoyed just about everything about it. My only real complaint is that you should be able to strafe by holding down the Shift key (useful for backing up and firing), and also the difficulty and different types of enemies should increase a bit more, the only new additions I noticed to later altitudes were tanks. Perhaps some kind of mobile enemies that try to dodge attacks would have been cool, maybe even some boss battles.

Also, the entire game does feel a little lacking. As others have said, more types of helicopters and items would have given the game lots of variety. As it was, the special was basically a matter of waiting for a bomb, holding onto it for as long as you could, and then clearing the screen. Ejecting was a matter of waiting until you were low on health and then ejecting straight into another helicopter. More variables in the items and helis would have deepened the gameplay.

EggysGames responds:

Never played them two games. Glad you liked it. Yeah for a suqual I'll definitely do upgrades.

This is a good concept, but it feels like there's a lot that could have made this better. The gameplay as a whole reminds me a lot of the turret minigame in Wpnfire, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but turns out to be in the end.

The two biggest issues with the gameplay are the small size of the screen and the panning camera. Much of my time was spent staring at the borders of the screen so that I did not accidentally click outside of them. It would have been nice if you could have just shown a zoomed out view of the screen so that my cursor never had to pan so close to the edges. On the topic of clicking, my Flash player actually crashed the second time I accidentally clicked the Stickpage logo. Was there NO WAY for you to simply remove it? Crazy Jay didn't even help make this game. The logo is hardly necessary.

Next, I appreciate the colored enemies, but because of how simple and easy switching colors was, I found the mechanic to be somewhat of a waste. I suppose if I had gotten far enough into the game for there to be four or five colors of enemies I would have appreciated it a lot more, but I simply quit at a certain point because of the above issues. Without that damned camera, this game would have been entirely different.

Last, I'll go into the shop, which I only visited once, since I didn't feel like restarting the game when Flash crashed. My first criticism here is just how damned long it took to get there in the first place. There are far too many waves between levels, and it makes the game pretty mundane. Second, the upgrades are frustratingly expensive. Personally I might have made the upgrades weaker and cheaper so that players could fine-tune their decisions a little bit more.

Overall I did enjoy the game. The graphics and music are also great, and stick figures once again save the day when it comes to eliminating lag. Just that damned camera...

Really interesting. I got about 40 levels into the game until the complete lack of an explanation threw me completely and I was unable to continue. I really like the graphic style, as well as the simplicity of the gameplay and just how deep it is. Also, the contrast between set levels and what seems to be randomized levels really gives this game a deep feel.

Again, I just wish this game had a more detailed explanation. Right now I'm kind of fumbling around in the dark.

This needs a lot of improvement. Your biggest problem is that the game is simply too slow. Increase the speed of the ship and especially the speed of the bullets and you might be getting somewhere. Second, the collision is pretty buggy. If the player were a bit faster, they might be less inclined to get up close and personal with the flying diamonds.

Other than those flaws, the game also lacks anything original to keep it interesting, and the black and white, while charming, doesn't put enough on the table to keep things interesting. It's kind of like a watered down version of my ASS game.

Okay, I get it. You're making fun of platformers like One and One Story. It wouldn't have hurt to have made the parody a little funnier though. As it was, I sat through a bunch of dull dialogue playing a game slower than molasses only to find that this parody had no punchline or commentary on the games it's making fun of! It simply aims to be a worse game than the ones you're criticizing, without having any redeeming humor value of its own.

Now that's cute. The graphics are really nice and the controls are solid. I noticed you used some of the sprites from Smithy's Quest, and the cows look quite familiar too. I really wasn't a fan of the sound - the effects were repetitive as hell and the music likewise.

The gameplay was pretty solid. As I said, the controls are smooth, although I wish there was a small indicator to tell players when they could set another bomb, and also a timer on the bomb, since I screwed up a few times because I couldn't time the bombing quite right. The game did get pretty hard, but I liked that you could respawn every level, making it much easier. It also felt kind of like a puzzle game as a result.

The minigames were a mixed bag. I thought the typing minigame was hilarious, but the Pokemon battle was lame and simplistic and the final boss pissed me off because of how horrible the controls were. It took me way too long to figure out I was really just tapping left and right and firing constantly.

Overall this game is fun, but considering how short it is, it could stand to have a level editor, and perhaps a bit more polish. For a 2013 game, this seems quite dated.

EggysGames responds:

I like your reviews on all my stuff Kwing. Some of the graphics are being reused a bit lately because I'm having trouble getting new artists :(

I'm glad you liked the chat bit, wasn't sure how that would go down.

Cheers for the overall review.

Interesting. I think the monotony of the game and the inevitability of how each day brings you closer is what really draws the player in. What I wasn't quite as charmed about was the incredibly slow pace of the game. I understand that the permanence of the player's decisions and the slow pacing are supposed to make the player's decisions sink in, but it also makes the game kind of boring. The music was the only thing that kept my interest as I continued to play.

Since I originally saw PewDiePie's Let's Play of this game, I admit my perspective of this game may be a little tainted since I already had seen one of the endings. I tried skipping work as much as possible and then going to work on the last day to see if I could work on the last day and fail (I did). Of course, since I don't really care about human or animal life on the planet, it's unsurprising that I took a more unconventional route through the game.

Ultimately I think this game is really neat, and has the same depth as a lot of these types of games. However, I skipped work twice and never got to see how the protagonist actually spent his time when he skipped it. I got my days mixed up and forgot to take Molly to the park on the penultimate day, but somehow I doubt I'd have seen much of a visual of them playing together if I had. The lack of a narrative in the decisions the player makes takes away from the gravity of the decisions you make.

Still, a good experimental game.

I gave up on the sixth to last level. I have to give it to you, this game is pretty damned good. Nice relaxing graphics and music, and the gameplay is brilliantly simple. I really like how there are three different types of gravity wells and how the smallest bit of timing can have huge effects on where your square goes. I also think it's cool how some parts of the track are reused, and how you can make a really simple level really long and complex based off of how the track works.

I was a little bit put off by the difficulty, yet I feel that the curve was done well. I simply ran out of patience before I beat the game. I also think it's funny how the yellow gravity well is so similar to my game Twins V2, although this is implemented much better, I will admit.

Overall I really, really like this game. However I feel it suffers from a little too much in the simplicity department, which is why levels like the one I quit on had to rely on just getting longer and longer to keep the game difficult. I was also a bit annoyed at how the spacebar is required to change the position of the box in the gravity wells. The game had been doing so well with the one-button control scheme... One of the best one-button games I'd ever played, next to a morse code game and The Impossible Game. Adding another button ruined the charm. Perhaps you could have shown the guide line without the mouse pressed, froze the player on a click, and swapped positions when the mouse was released?

Really great concept, but it needs a little more. Maybe optional paths, collectibles, or enemies.

rocky10529 responds:

thanks! and good advises! i'll keep working on it!

Surprisingly fun. The graphics were pretty plain, but I liked how simple everything was. Since the morse code was a little cumbersome, simplicity was what made the game as good as it was. However, the fact that grinding was made mandatory and the fact that the order in which you were 'supposed' to attack enemies was never clarified, the game became very annoying due to the fact that grinding got repetitive, and I never knew if I had done enough of it or not. Running away screwed me over way too many times, and I hated starting over from the beginning.

Finally, I would have much preferred if enemies had been given random letter IDs instead of number IDs, so the control scheme would have utilized ALL of the letters.

Wow, I'm really impressed. Took me a good 30 minutes to beat this on my first time around. I really like these puzzles! The graphics look nice and simple and the gameplay is surprisingly original, although the music gets annoying pretty quick.

What I really liked about this were the different kinds of skills you used when solving the puzzles. The fish one was nice and easy and allowed me to map out the blue fish first, and then the other two soon after. The chess one went by so damned fast it was a blind rush between watching the preview and looking at the pieces. Some, like the spiral, could be solved using conventional methods, while the poker one had me piecing together parts and later putting them together. The ladybugs were by far the hardest, since you could never tell which ladybug was which and because sometimes they even moved in the same direction... Took me an entire 7 minutes to beat that one.

Overall a really great game! As far as puzzles go, this was not nearly as boring as it could have been.

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