
734 Game Reviews

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Fun to work with, but limited. I would have liked more faces and more detailed descriptions of the things the mouths can do - frequently I encountered sounds that weren't listed on the mouth positions. Overall easy to use though, and I noticed the syncing worked impressively well. Kind of annoying that the most viewed syncs are actually blank, but that's not your fault.

Add more faces and more graphics. Otherwise this is really neat.

Also major lol when I read you coded this in AS2.

I've noticed a little bit of lag while playing in addition to the physics being slightly inconsistent and the levels very difficult. One level in particular simply required an inordinate amount of waiting as your ball moved so damned slow. Others required two precision ricochet shots in a row that were just tedious. The presentation and music are fine but I just can't seem to enjoy this game that much. Maybe if it were easier to get used to the controls. If you could fire based off of the mouse's distance from the cannon it would be easier to play systematically, especially if the game showed the angle of the cannon as you aimed.

I want to write something complex here but I feel like I really can't. You've got some nice cutesy graphics and shit, but in the end it's just another Bejeweled clone. I used only minimal strategy when picking my moves mainly out of boredom, and felt most players were doing the same. The online factor is really a gimmick more than anything but worst of all the upgrade thing is just a video game trope that you tacked on for replay value.

Thoroughly enjoyable. Very simple game, easy to play, and I really like the style with the black and white. Music was quite entertaining, and the minigame made me laugh.

The biggest annoyance is you can't just click on doors to go through them; you have to click really close to them and hope he walks to the right place. Other than that this is pretty solid.

I'm giving this a 2/5 because it lacks content, not because I dislike it. Too simple in its animation, sounds, layout and everything else, you could have done more than plain text.

The name and description were dull, but the destinies were funny. Am I supposed to bitchslap the government, draw penises on Satan's panties, or summon the Pyramid Head? (It also suggested I rape lolicons. That's eerily coherent.)

Polished but incomplete. I won't say anything about the graphics/sound/interface, I think they speak for themselves. What bothers me here is that goddamned username and password. Since when do usernames have a space in them? Couldn't you have just changed that character's name? God. DAMN. THAT. SUCKED.

I'll also say the game is too short and too simple. Not enough to do, not enough items. Also you can collect those little labels indefinitely... Lolwut. Storyline could have gone somewhere but it literally doesn't say more than 'some guy lost his memory'.

Aprime responds:

Usernames can have spaces in them...

Thanks for the review!

Funny, but I think this came about six years too late. It has a certain spontaneity and Newgrounds-ness to it, and yet I feel like it's an inferior Club the Seal. Might have been nice to have some choices, otherwise this is more like a click-to-advance movie.

Fun. I like the cartoony style and music. The game is also short, which is a plus. I thought the puzzles were clever and the exploration aspect was neat too. What I didn't like was the nail hunt - after I'd figured everything out, having to find 8 nails really, really annoyed me, especially with all of those screws laying around.

Decent. This is very well polished and pleasant to look at but the gameplay had so many things that threw me off. First is the lack of variety with enemies - most you could reflect straight up to defeat. Many of the ones that sidled side to side were too easy to defeat as well; the balls I just reflected slowly, and they literally walked into the reflected bullets. The normal enemies that turned simply vanished and were no longer a threat after they turned sideways.

By far the most annoying thing about the game is that I could never really get used to how far up the map I could travel. Frequently my shots were sabotaged because of that damned limit. Please just draw a line over it or something. The game as a whole is too long and too easy - I didn't get a game over once, and I never even figured out how to use the bomb or the 'special' mode. However, the levels were frequently too long and monotonous.

Overall it's a very pretty game. The menu and game look very well done and the effects are nice too. It's just too bad that the game isn't challenging or as fresh as it was meant to be.

Very, very dull. I never understood the Evidence thing, and the game seemed satisfied giving me a win after simply shooting my target, although I did nail a guy with a coconut early on in the game. Overall the graphics and animation are unimpressive and the game is just unpolished and unappealing as a whole.

I did really enjoy the humor, although it got old about halfway through the game and I found the humor simply lost my interest.

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