Damn, this has so much variety for a beat. Very dynamic and doesn't stay in the same place for long. Now that I've actually started spitting I'm really glad you finally put out something longer. This is really awesome.
Damn, this has so much variety for a beat. Very dynamic and doesn't stay in the same place for long. Now that I've actually started spitting I'm really glad you finally put out something longer. This is really awesome.
Really mild and relaxing. The only thing that I really didn't like was that the samples that faded in and out sounded a little metallic. If they had been tuned down a little bit they would have sounded a little more organic, and I think that would have really added to the relaxing, soulful feel that this track already has.
Seemed a little odd. I thought podcasts were normally talking. The tracks you put in were good, even though I'm not much of a fan of techno. Seemed like you could have just as easily used the playlist feature to put all these tracks back to back.
The reviews toward the end were cool, but guest appearances and discussions are really the meat and potatoes of a podcast in my opinion.
Yes, this was my first episode, in later episode i become more active. I will try and get some interviewing going. But this is afterall a music podcast. So keep that in mind please.
Damn, you both went hard as fuck on this.
AxTekk V1 - Liked the growl imitation a lot. The fake thug take was pretty effective and damaging too.
Fats V1 - Pseudopolitical bullshit - nice. Jumped on the lack of diction, excessive research. Wasn't really a fan of the cliche threat but it didn't take up too many bars.
AxTekk V2 - Flipping the threat and age diss took a little too long and I feel like you went a bit on the defensive here. Tampon/grandson kind of felt like a confirmation of Fats' age diss. Only a kid would throw a punch like that.
Fats V2 - "Just you, two mates and a set of speakers" is hilarious. Sex offender line is kind of dull. Liked the diss on delivery, and "The government lies, step aside" is concise and packs a sting.
Ax held his own for a verse but I don't feel like he brought enough heat in the second verse.
This has a very Nujabes feel to it. As a whole it feels very complete and relaxing. Not sure how it could be made better, seems great the way it is.
It can be loads better but thanks for the comment. I dont know about a nujabes feel. I have a problem nailing "feel" in music.
Versatile beat. I didn't think this was very relaxing, seemed too much like the calm before a storm to me. Exceptid and Murdaa both got really heated over this beat, and it really fit.
Simple but effective.
Thank you very much for the listen. even though this is an older beat to me, I feel that it's a stepping stone to where I am now, and I love it :D thanks
Wasn't really a fan of this one. Seemed like both of you were slinging pretty broad attacks.
Wyze V1 - Beat diss, personality of a mannequin, name diss, Asian diss (unoriginal, simple flow and rhymes.) My overall impression of this verse was that the overall flow and schemes (he repeated words between rhymes very frequently) were just underwhelming. Liked the mannequin line a lot though.
Phonix V1 - Fat diss, mentioned discography, hustling, face flip, relationships. This verse is more showy from a technical standpoint, though Blasphem-E is right about him being monotone. Nothing about this verse is really mean (weight and women are kind of played out) but Qwaint compensated with flow.
Blasphem-E V2 - 'At least I had some,' extra pounds, re-flipped the face line. A couple good flips in here, but some disses (mom should have had an abortion) was really played out. Also seemed to flow a little off-beat on the Tina Fey line.
Qwaint V2 - Re-flipped the fat diss, won't lurk through statuses, name flip didn't have much energy and really shouldn't have been your finisher. What really stood out were the multis.
It didn't sound as if either of you were really putting in 100% but I would cast my vote for Qwaint for a very strong second verse.
I liked this a lot. I feel like there are a lot of songs that follow this pattern (Jon Lajoie, Mickey Avalon, PiGPEN) but I feel like you really got creative and produced quality work, which is really hard to do when there's already loads of this kind of stuff all over (ha).
I'm not sure if this track is short because you wrote a lot and cut it down or just because this was meant to be a quick project, but either way you did your thing and it was short enough that it didn't become too redundant. You also packed a fair share of multis and internals into the lyrics, though at times the slow tempo made the technical prowess a little less apparent (on the bright side, that gives this track a lot of replay value). The only thing that really let me down was a lack of punchlines, which goes a long way when you're already walking the beaten path. Complaining about an excessive penis length was unique and made for a good setup, but the ending to the track felt a little premature.
Smooth track. Liked the Dr. Scholl like a lot.
Well, it's not about length, it's stating that my penis is actually a banana cluster-like assembly of human feet. I wrote this when I was half asleep btw. Fell asleep writing and woke up to read ^^those lyrics^^ you are now hearing. I recorded it as just a quick track to inspire myself to get back in the swing of things.
But holy crap I am honestly glad you liked this. So thanks for the input and hopefully I drop more stuff very soon for y'all.
Once upon a time, water taught itself how to feel pain.
Age 30, Male
Software engineer /
United States
Joined on 7/24/07