First off, nice job Ax, you made a real tight beat for this one.
Byron V1 - Rhyme scheme is kind of weak but you keep a steady volley of punches coming and a lot of energy. Flow gets a teensy bit off at a few points. The jabs at Phonix's mixing is the stand-out punch here.
Phonix V1 - Lots of filler but I'm really digging your flow and rhymes. Touching on doubled vocals and trying to flip the veteran line are okay but neither really wowed me.
Byron V2 - Need a translation is decent. Lots of flips but I really wasn't feeling any of them - it seemed more like you were summarizing Phonix's verse than flipping it. You also sound rather deflated compared to the energy you brought in your first verse.
Phonix V2 - Pretty similar to the first verse. Very showy flow/multis and a few okay flips.
My rubric for judging leans pretty heavily on personals, which this battle was kind of light on. That said, both of you were about equal when it came to those, with Phonix being the clear winner for rhyme scheme and creativity. Byron also fell off in his second verse when he brought very little energy to the mic.