MC-OG V1 - Untested, unbeaten is kind of amusing. Rhyme scheme is a little weak although the flow could be a lot worse considering this is your first battle.
Gasmasq V1 - Undefeated flip is nice, ee-ee internals are a little cheesy but show off a lyrical superiority in comparison with OG. Same parents diss is alright but could have been done with a lot more sting, I think. Breath diss is nice. Drug line is probably an inside reference.
MC-OG V2 - Mic quality and delivery seems worse for some reason. Lots of bars about vehicles that don't really hold any weight. The finisher is incredibly ironic because of the comparison between the two verses here.
Gasmasq V2 - Ur-ih-ah is a nice set of syllables to roll with. Singing diss and vocabulary are very relevant, playing on the "oh yes indeed" sample is nice.
Probably doesn't need to be said but Gas takes this by a landslide.