Makes me want to start using Black Mages again. Funny script, nice sprites, somewhat choppy animation, great voices of medium grade quality. Good job!
Makes me want to start using Black Mages again. Funny script, nice sprites, somewhat choppy animation, great voices of medium grade quality. Good job!
Saw this a while ago, and it's very good, don't get me wrong. However, it did seem a little odd that when some powers were used, the receiving stick figures didn't seem to do anything to parry, block, or dodge the attacks. That's all I have to say, hence the short review.
Very Nice
The animation is very smooth, with the exception of the yoyo. The first several times I watched this I was thinking how much smoother Terkoiz's animations were, but just now I realized that you took on a big challenge animating the string physics. The combos are a little fast and hard to catch, too, but other than that, the animation is great! Despite the fact that Terkoiz should have kicked your ass, it was still fun to watch, and I think you'll make a great replacement. Still wish he hadn't quit though. :(
I've gotta say, you could be the next Terkoiz! Very smooth animation, great sound effects, nice background, great physics (he really looked like he was drunk), and absolutely hilarious! Epic win!
Another?! :D
I must say, the music is a bit more annoying, and the animation isn't quite as smooth, but I'm sure you're just out of practice or something. I'm happy you've decided to continue the series, although I miss the guy from the first two :(
Great graphics... I had no idea of what you were capable of via computer graphics, never seen realism like that from you before! Fun audio, great animation, very funny alternate Madness episodes. It was a bit short though. And why'd you rate it for nudity?
theres a picture of boobs on the hentai banner when he is using the search.
Instant Classic
Very nice animation, as always! That's about all there is to say. Some very nice graphics, despite the fact that stick figures were used, very cool sword sounds, and especially the stalactite-sword.
Also, what did you mean when you said you'll miss Terkoiz?! What happened to him?!
Two points off because it was absolutely terrible, but I'll give you 8 for the entertainment value.
Love the Brass!
Cute animals. Simple art mixed with well placed tweens form a catchy song loop, and a funny animation.
Once upon a time, water taught itself how to feel pain.
Age 30, Male
Software engineer /
United States
Joined on 7/24/07