Simply Incredible
Wow, such improvement! Alright, first off, let's start with the graphics... Same old stuff, but the mostly black and white thing is still damn stylish. Hank's claw seems to look somewhat more attractive now, as he's able to actually use it now.
The animation was the high point, though. The auditor had some seriously rad frame by frame work put into him, and his effects were simply incredible. I also like the way the two protagonists act like a two-man army, and their charades (especially the rock-paper-scissors bit) were cute little add-ons. I don't like how the enemies just HAPPEN to have melee weapons when the protagonists don't have guns, though. It's dumb and unrealistic. Other than that, though, this is just a wonder to behold. I found the ending quite amusing, too, and laughed pretty hard when "OH GOD NO" flashed across the screen as the clown was lifted up.
I really liked the music this time around, which seemed to be a medley of some previous installments' soundtracks.
As for the layout, I'm kind of flustered that there was no pause button, nor a scene selection.
Overall, incredible though. Nice and long, with extremely good animation and fresh moves.