The graphics were only okay, and the layout definitely needed some work. Some alpha gradients and glazing would have been a really nice addition to the interface, which was otherwise very plain. The graphics were otherwise pretty good, but the lighting seemed a little off... Or maybe the art was too precise. It could have used some kind of blurring or lighting effects to make it look more realistic. At some points it looked almost pixelly. The music was so plain I forgot it as soon as I closed out of the game, but the sound effects were very nice and almost satisfying in a way.
The gameplay was fun, but it needed more. It was near impossible to dodge attacks, even with jumping, and there should have been more upgrades. Another thing I noted is you can intentionally fail an early level over and over to get tons of money and get a huge advantage. The levels were also very short, but fun. I liked the change in how short levels were.
One last criticism is that the game seemed to end at a certain point, with no "you win" or anything. It just didn't go to the upgrade screen.