Oh great, another 15 year old learned how to code and knows how to make some profound statement about love using a puzzle platformer. Ever since Jack killed Katheryn, amateur developers have been killing the market with these self-absorbed games that were called out months ago by the Pretentious Game series.
Oh alright, I'll stop my bitching and give you an actual review. You have an interesting concept, though it's little more than a gimmick. Take the whole dual players concept, incorporate gravity, viola, game! The puzzles aren't bad. Since you can effectively fly using the shimmy method, none of the puzzles are particularly hard, and the 20 levels go by pretty fast, which is nice, as I often find myself losing patience with these types of games. A few of the more difficult levels were a pain to redo, but overall you kept things simple and didn't over-complicate anything.
The main issue here is lack of content. The levels don't need to be longer, and there don't need to be more of them, but it would have been nice to have more engaging graphics, music, or a less corny story. Hell, it's 2015. There's nothing stopping you from incorporating all kinds of crazy shit like enemies and a combat system. You could have turned this into a weird yin yang gravity-defying Castlevania for all I care, but the basic get-to-the-end thing is getting old, especially for a game that runs such a well-paved path as this.
The 'glitch' graphics, which are very reminiscent of This is Not a Game, are very distracting, however. Making them transparent would have been nice, I very nearly screwed up a jump when one spawned on top of my block.