Really good game! The controls were super slick... WASD, Q for weapon selecting and E for switches. I found it very easy to get used to the controls, although I wish you could walk while crouching. That did bother me a little. Graphics are good, there are even a couple nice scares put in! Excellent atmosphere and the soundtrack was nice too.
The gameplay was a little bit of a letdown; it's nothing I haven't seen before. Just another one of those shooters. The weapon types were nice and kept things interesting, and the melee weapons were strong enough to not become useless towards the end of the game. One big complaint I have is the bosses had too few attacks. Each one only had two different moves, and they were easy to read.
One last thing that really bothered me was the lag. While playing my cursor lagged awfully, moving around in directions that I had moved my mouse in several seconds ago. This seemed to get better when I died and things 'reset' but in the end it feels like something that should have been fixed. Although it wasn't game breaking, it made the game a lot less fun, and discouraged me from trying Survival or Dodge modes.