Well, how do I start? I like that you're trying something new with a slow beat and laid back delivery, although it sounds more like "Teqneek with a sprinkle of Jakobe" rather than "chill Teqneek." Of course, flowing with a new style takes time so I expect you can only get better from here on out.
When you slow everything down you need to think about how your bars are going to change as well. Couplets and more poignant imagery are going to be important because the listener is stuck listening to each word for a longer period of time, and this means you really have to stress quality over quantity. This isn't exactly easy to do when I feel you had plenty of lines but still clocked in at 2:30, but I believe the rule still stands. Your first stanza expanded a bit too heavily on the 'crack addict' thing and I think that's the best example I can use to show that slow delivery can easily slip into something tedious if you aren't careful. Another reason this is an issue is because the emphasis in your bars stays in the exact same place for the vast majority of the track, something you have been called out on numerous times before.
Your rhyme scheme isn't bad but nothing really jumped out at me, and since this isn't a battle and you didn't have to manage your time or make sure that your lines fit into a certain number of bars, as well as you not being required to prove any particular point, I feel you could have played around more and experimented with more unusual syllables. I heard a couple slant rhymes that sounded a little awkward (again most likely due to the slowness). That being said your last stanza has some DOPE multies so you end on a really good note.
I think this track is the equivalent of Teq-puberty. Your style and delivery are in the process of changing and it's ugly and awkward, as puberty tends to be. That being said, I think in due time you'll end up bigger and stronger because of it (not to mention more hairy).