It was repetitive, and the drums were so cliche. It sounded good, but it could use some variation. As it is, it sounds so generic.
It was repetitive, and the drums were so cliche. It sounded good, but it could use some variation. As it is, it sounds so generic.
? I love the fuck out of this song. Alot of the feedback I got on this was how unique was. Maybe you should link me to a song you think is "non-repetitive" and generic. I think this song kicks ass. \m/
The only things that pissed me off were that 1) it was too repetitive and 2) it didn't loop well at all. Change it into a full song and both should be fixed.
Lol if I get some time will do. Knew it wasn't a loop but wasn't about to call it a song xD \m/
It's not horribly repetitive, although a little predictable at some parts. Super heavy, great mood.
yes I tend to be predictable lol. \m/
Cool victory loop. The synth gets a little annoying if you loop it too much, but should work great for a video game. Loops very smoothly.
eh thanks.
Yea its soo crowded out, but thats what I just wanted to hear. lol.
Thanks for reviewing
I was looking for a really short loop. Thanks for this!
I liked the synth and the drum beat, but maybe you could have cut off a little from the end because it didn't seem to loop the best.
Thank you for reviewing, but I'm not really sure how to make a perfect loop :/
For some reason this reminds me a lot of the soundtrack for Ratchet and Clank. The music is good, but kind of repetitive, and I thought it could have used some less ambient elements to it.
Well, maybe I'll hit the mark next time. Thanks for your review!
9!^9! out of 10
Awesome awesome awesome!! Not repetitive, but not ADD either. I really loved the way you laid it out! The only downer was that there was no drum solo. If you had put one in I surely would have jizzed thy pants.
Sorry about the lack of drum solos man! It's programmed drums so doing fancy beats is quite hard to do! If I ever get a real drummer then I'll throw plenty of drum solos around!
Cheers man!
The song itself wasn't that great, but the lyrics were damn funny. Sound effects were horribly cheesy.
Thanks man, all sound effects were provided by meeeeeeeeee!
This is Good
Near the end the repetition and screams got irritating. The rest of it was good, though. The random tag at the very end was kind of unrelated, too.
Yeah, I probably should have those screams shorter, I only put them in to give my song a reason for being called what it is. But thanks anyway!
Once upon a time, water taught itself how to feel pain.
Age 30, Male
Software engineer /
United States
Joined on 7/24/07