Once upon a time, water taught itself how to feel pain.

Age 30, Male

Software engineer /

United States

Joined on 7/24/07

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Kwing's News

Posted by Kwing - September 16th, 2010

I've realized if I want my (not so) secret project to be any good, people are going to have to test it, and the more the better. Harvey Brawl is my fan tribute to Electric Man 2, and it's also the first game I've made about specific people. The characters in it are my sister's boyfriend and his two brothers.

I have the beta uploaded in two places. On the Newgrounds Dump is a version anyone can view, but I will update it less often. The one I'm going to be updating more often is the beta testing page, although you need my approval before you can view it. Just leave a comment and I'll add you.

The reason I'm doing this is to hear about any bugs in my game and general gripes, so while I like to hear praise, criticism is way more important. Also, I've been adding people and they haven't been pointing out any bugs or telling me what they like or don't like at all. GIVE ME FEEDBACK!

- I'm thinking about mixing up some of the players' stats, such as how much damage they take from attacks, how much damage they take before being knocked over, how quickly they knock over opponents, etc. Tell me what you think of this idea and if you have any additional details.
- Currently Taylor is the only character with any voicing, as I'm getting voices done by the original people. Tell me what you think of the voice acting, how to improve, and what you might like for the other characters.
- Multiplayer is currently working for Taylor vs. Tyson, although there are a few bugs I'm trying to iron out. Point them out!

- The scoreboards are not currently functioning.
- The whistle-blower is currently a placeholder. It will be replaced with the characters' mother later.

This is how my game looked two weeks ago, though I've done lots of work on it since:

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Posted by Kwing - August 26th, 2010

Did you know that every time someone looks at your page, you get money from ad impressions on your profile page? I know it's awesome, right?

Thanks to all of you poor suckers who clicked my profile from this thread. You just gave me money! Don't you feel so generous now? :D

Moving on to actual news, I've got a big new Flash project coming along (keeping the specifics secret) and I'm trying to get medals and ads approved for it. As projects go it's coming along REALLY quickly, although it's still going to be a while before I get the NG API figured out. Not only that, but I'm soloing the graphics for this one and I have to trace over stick figures with full-body... For hundreds of frames. The AI is going to be hard to make, too. Picture unrelated, just to fool people who aren't reading this.

Did You Know...

Posted by Kwing - July 14th, 2010

I've been making tons of little things, but nothing actually serious. Without a good artist or animator I really can't do anything. I'm decent at stick animation, but nobody likes stick games. And I could trace over my stick figures, but I suck at graphics. FlashChickBoom and Plazma1 are very talented partners, but extremely unreliable and I've been unable to contact either. Luis (Plazma1) hasn't updated his Newgrounds in over a year, and I only see him online every couple months, and I don't even know if FlashChickBoom uses any IM services, as he comes on Newgrounds so sparsely.

One of these little things I've been looking into is an 8-bit game where you run around as Jesus during the 3 days he (supposedly) spent battling the forces of evil in hell. I'm going to have to keep it from being too much like Dante's Inferno, but I doubt that will be a huge problem as this game is meant to be funny while Dante's Inferno is more dramatic. Obviously the first obstacle in making this is finding a reliable artist. I found a Jesus sprite that I've edited several times over, but I'm going to need way more than that.

Twins V3 (obviously) Has not come any further in production. I might be able to get a good score by jacking up the presentation and throwing in a couple levels, the last one being impossibly hard, just to give players the impression it's longer than it really is, but truth be told there is not much I can do to spice it up. Maybe I'll submit a demo and see what people think of it.

Seriously, if anybody wants to do an RHG battle I'd gladly take you on. I haven't had much action in Flash and I wouldn't mind facing someone.

Another thing that's been halting my progress is some social disturbance going on in my life. There's been crisis with a lot of my friends and trying to help them all has taken a lot out of me.

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Posted by Kwing - June 27th, 2010

Moovlin PC is almost done. JFig111 has been working on the final touches. He's got to tweak a couple more levels and then finish some cutscenes, but it shouldn't take very long. I'm pretty stoked about the release, since it's been in production for over a year. It's also going to be out in time for Robot Day, and I have a good feeling it could top the competition.

FlashChickBoom hasn't been getting back to me on my PMs very quickly, but we're thinking we might get someone else to draw and animate the characters, since he's better at backgrounds and weapons. We'll have to see where this goes. I'm not even sure the game will get finished, since he's really not been getting back to me, but I should have something cool to show since I made a really neat engine for the telekinesis thing. The whole mood for our game is probably going to be similar to Undead Knights. My guess is it'll end up being gothic, with lots of undead enemies, heavy metal, stuff like that.

Twins V3 still hasn't gotten worked on. Long story short I'm out of ideas and I only have two levels. It takes a lot of effort to make these kinds of things and I'm afraid I'm just not up for it.

In the way of RHG battling, still no takers yet. If you're an RHG fighter, feel free to challenge me.

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Posted by Kwing - June 11th, 2010

I finally finished Stick RPG: PSP Adaption V20. I'll be adding minor tweaks in the future, but right now I'm content with 15 minigames, 27 achievements, and Story Mode. The only real gripe I have about my own game is that with the new XP button you can gain Experience so quickly without having to button mash. It really only saves players the busy work, but with a little bit of money it's too easy to create a cycle.

I'm in a collab with FlashChickBoom now, and we're thinking of making a game where you telekinetically control weapons with your mind while running around on platforms. I have a really nice engine for both the telekinesis and the platforming. It should turn out nicely.

I'm still trying to work on Twins V3, but I've come to realize there's only so much you can do with one little trick and a bunch of moving blocks. If I make the presentation good enough I might be able to mooch Newgrounds into approving medals for it and then slapping some advertisements on it as well, but right now something huge and revolutionary seems out of the question.

Also Moovlin PC is coming out soon. Julian says the deadline of the 18th is out of the question, but it's still coming soon. I just hope he doesn't sell it to Newgrounds like he said he might. I'd prefer some steady income, especially since we don't know how much money we're going to get with medals enabled on the game.

Lastly I'm going to start RHG battling again. Now I'm done with my main project, I'll just have to come up with some new engine or engine tweaks once I get more concept ideas or art to work in.

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Also this:

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Posted by Kwing - April 26th, 2010

A while ago I saw a video in which a comedian was talking about how we are not our bodies, and how we would never say "I am a body". He later went on to describe how we envision ourselves as being located somewhere between our eyes. This made me ask myself what a person really is. Who are we? How are we defined? For a long time I couldn't figure out what it was; we are not our bodies, nor any part of them; we are not equal to our intellect, our lives, or values, our consciousness, or even our personalities. So what are we?

After reading 1984 by George Orwell, I thought about O'Brien's speech in the Ministry of Love. What stuck in my head was mainly O'Brien talking about how Big Brother was omnipotent, and how he could float across the room like a soap bubble if he wanted to. The theory that reality exists only within our minds helped me to uncover the answer to what we really are.

To do away with all of the explanation and state it simply, every individual is the universe as they perceive it. That is to say, my world is only as big as I know of, and as I learn, my world grows. Additionally, a Puritan lives in a world where God is vengeful and life is centered around the afterlife and hell. Ironically, none of these perceptions are wrong... If the universe is contained within each individual's mind, then we all live in different universes in which each of us are always correct until proven wrong, at which point we either deny our fault or we learn and our universe expands. Even the afterlife is as we perceive it. According to Ethan Hawke from Waking Life, a dead body has six to twelve minutes of brain activity after death, meaning that you can dream even when you're dead. Since a dream second is infinitely shorter than a waking second, you can lucid dream the afterlife all on your own.

As for social interaction, I like to think of it this way: Every other person we meet is a window into another universe, and some of us take certain aspects of those universes and add them to their own universe.

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Posted by Kwing - March 30th, 2010

I'm trying to make some of my things more professional. Here's a few things that have been on my mind.

Stick RPG: PSP Adaption... I'm still not satisfied with it. I've been considering adding in...
1. A story mode. Like the original Stick RPG, it's not going to have too much of a plot, but I'm thinking of making something funny. Probably some satirical platform sequence based around saving a princess or something equally cliche.
2. Since Twins V2 only uses 5 controls, I could fit it on the PSP pretty easily with little adaption. Bonus points if I can squeeze it into Stick RPG as a minigame. It'll turn out great.
3. I've noticed the graphics and for the first time realized that as much as I've revamped the coding and added minigames, a few backgrounds I've been using since version 4 or so. I'll consider redoing it.
4. Also thinking of adding in several new medals, based around new features like story mode.
5. Maybe something to give the player a change of scenery once in a while. Maybe you can buy new backgrounds for your house for 100k or something so you can be a real estate collector.
6. A pong minigame would be nice. I have multiplayer modes with board games, but nothing real time.
7. I might add some new styles of hair to the mirror minigame.
8. I have to redo the instruction manual. It lags like hell on the PSP.
9. The lifespan setting doesn't deal with 10s or 100s of days, only 1s. I'll redo that sometime.
10. Maybe some grocery bagging minigame just for shits n giggles. It'll probably involve dropping cans on fresh fruit.
11. The music is getting old. I think I might instate some feature where you can buy music for the dancing minigame. I'll probably use a few short loops of different genres. I'm looking at Sto0g3 and GoreBastard as potential audio artists for these.
12. Maybe a "Level Up" button in the store so you don't have to button mash the Exp button. It would save time.

Twins V3... The engine is working fine, but I have absolutely no level ideas. If you've worked on a puzzle game before and are good at coming up with challenging and tricky ideas, drop me a comment. I might just release a demo with basic functions in it and see where that goes. The presentation is pretty badass, I'm glad to say.

I'm doing more and more animation work for JFig111's game Moovlin PC. He wants me to redo all 20 minutes of cutscenes, so that might keep me busy. I'll have to lay off on other projects though.

As for the RHG battling, I finished #3 and I'm currently working on a steampunk-themed #4. I'm also using the music from Invader Zim! :)

Aside from Flash I've been working on a level in PR2 (titled JIGGMIN) that will be out soon. It took about a week to finish the race, and I'm finishing up the art right now. It should be really fun!! You should check it out my other levels in the meantime (search Kwing95 to find it).

EDIT: Finished RHG battles 3 and 4, which are on Newgrounds, and my level JIGGMIN can be found on Platform Racing 2 or simply viewed on YouTube.

Posted by Kwing - February 2nd, 2010

Copied and pasta'd from a PM I sent because I don't need to rephrase this every time someone brings up the God argument. I'll just link them here.

Since so many religions oppose, I've figured that the only way billions of people can hold different faiths is that we cumulatively are "God" or an all-controlling deity. Christians sometimes use the metaphor that Jesus and God are inside of us and are everywhere, but it's really not a metaphor. My definition of God is the sum of all matter, energy, consciousness, thought, and emotion. Since these things ARE everything, they must control everything.

But since God is spread through unliving matter and over a googol of organisms (ranging from single-celled to the most complex systems), we individually hold very little power. Because of this we are subjective to laws of physics, the will of others, and the like. Science and physics are statistical; if we were all to stop believing in gravity and stop remembering it for all the billions of years we HAVE existed in it (neigh impossible since we would have to deny forces present and visible to the eye; normally only insane people could achieve this), then gravity would cease to exist.

Because of this, forces of our faiths have created outer regions (starting as concepts and perhaps invisibly manifesting after a time) of our universe to fit our beliefs (heaven, hell, limbo, etc.) and so two contradicting theories can exist and both be true (like doublethink incarnate, if you've read 1984).

This means any additional theories I can estimate will not be permanent, rather they will only exist to be true for a time until the flow of the universe shifts by decree of an entity powerful enough to do so (which may be possible from anywhere in the polyverse), but by entity I don't mean it has to be a single being or consciousness; it can be collective consciousness, or even a bunch of individuals that have nothing more in common than shared ideals.

Well I do have "additional" theories, and the point of this composition was to display them. After having read this, people have asked me what I think happens to a person after death. I'd have to guess what happens to our intellect is similar to what happens to our bodies. Our personality, values, traits, memories, and intelligence break off into pieces the way decomposers feed upon us. These mental properties float around in the astrological plane (or the fourth dimension) until, like the nutrition in our bodies, they are used in the creation of another entity. Some parts stay intact, and some are simply lost. These 'lost' pieces still exist the way matter is indestructible, but hold the identity of a Lego model that has been completely disassembled; it's just as good as gone. If a sufficiently intact piece of the mind makes it into another sentient organism such as a human, they may experience past lives. In the way that only a part of the person remains, many people may share the past live of one person, especially if a particularly vivid or traumatic experience has bound the memories together, making them more resilient to decomposition.

Another highly debated issue in philosophy or religion is the creation of the universe. My theory on this is that this energy (both physical and spiritual) and matter swirled around (not necessarily obeying any laws of physics) until our universe was created entirely out of chance. The existence of an organism, especially something that thought of time in a linear fashion, would tether and preserve the current state of the universe, until the more intelligent creatures came into existence, cementing the rules of the universe more and more. It may seem improbable for everything to exist as it is, but if the universe were swirling around with no consciousness to perceive it, the span of time would really be nonexistent. Time that cannot be perceived is time that does not exist. So the cosmos would endlessly toil until some kind of organism or entity was created that had an inherent instinct to survive (like life on Earth). From this point, the entity would adapt to its environment and eventually shape it into something more hospitable.

I have one more paragraph I'll type later and it's on identity. Kind of unrelated but interesting nonetheless.

Now time for mindless drivel:

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Posted by Kwing - January 5th, 2010

Finished Arr Pea Gee, but I'm still gonna be working on that RPG I mentioned in my last post. Haven't gotten any replies from my fellows in a couple days, so I may have leeway for more projects.

If you've read my blog, you know the storyline for Calais in my RPG. I'm thinking of making a fullbody animation short as some kind of commercial for the upcoming game. The storyline will be somewhat different, but I wanna try fullbody animation and finally submit an animation with a plotline. The Squatty trilogy had a plotline, but it sucked balls... And it was a game.

Twins V3 may have a demo soon, because it doesn't look like I'll be learning to convert strings to arrays or use base 64 any time soon. If I release a demo it'll just show the concept so you guys know what it's like.

I've gotten about 3 requests for tutorials on how to make my Stick RPG: PSP Adaption game so I'm making a tutorial on that now. It'll suck, but at least I'll be able to redirect people to it if they ask for my source file. Even if the explanation sucks I can still tell people they're being noobs for not understanding it. :)

I'm in an RHG battle until the 20th of February with Devil J (you can find him on FluidAnims). Animating his wings are hell, but at least I have almost a month to come up with something. From now on I'm going to make sure I know when to reject a challenge when I see something that'll be a bitch to animate.

Also added a drawing and music minigame for my Stick RPG. I don't have that much to do aside from Flash, but between JFig and Ale harassing me all day with links to this or that I can't get any work done. No kidding, they won't stop interrupting me.


Posted by Kwing - December 20th, 2009

Twins V3 is slow in production, since there's a lot of things I need to learn for the Level Editor I plan on making. This will probably be a background project. I have an ActionScript book that I'll be reading periodically, and if I finish reading it I'll probably be able to polish it up.

Arr Pea Gee is at a standstill once again, as my friends won't contribute much. Drazerclaw is working on a couple avatars, but I haven't gotten in touch with Rivz to ask her if she's still working. I think if New Year's comes before they're finished, I'll slap on some crude photos, a shit background, and submit it anyway. They don't seem to care about the project, so I doubt they'll protest.

I have several new card ideas for 1KBWC, so check on it soon and you might see some new cards.

Also I'm in an RPG-making trio whose blog you can follow here.