Twins V3 is slow in production, since there's a lot of things I need to learn for the Level Editor I plan on making. This will probably be a background project. I have an ActionScript book that I'll be reading periodically, and if I finish reading it I'll probably be able to polish it up.
Arr Pea Gee is at a standstill once again, as my friends won't contribute much. Drazerclaw is working on a couple avatars, but I haven't gotten in touch with Rivz to ask her if she's still working. I think if New Year's comes before they're finished, I'll slap on some crude photos, a shit background, and submit it anyway. They don't seem to care about the project, so I doubt they'll protest.
I have several new card ideas for 1KBWC, so check on it soon and you might see some new cards.
Also I'm in an RPG-making trio whose blog you can follow here.
Keep me updated on your flashes and games, bro. If you ever want a review for one of them, just ask!
Haha, go ahead and review all of 'em. I highly recommend Stick RPG: PSP Adaption and Twins V2.