I finally finished Stick RPG: PSP Adaption V20. I'll be adding minor tweaks in the future, but right now I'm content with 15 minigames, 27 achievements, and Story Mode. The only real gripe I have about my own game is that with the new XP button you can gain Experience so quickly without having to button mash. It really only saves players the busy work, but with a little bit of money it's too easy to create a cycle.
I'm in a collab with FlashChickBoom now, and we're thinking of making a game where you telekinetically control weapons with your mind while running around on platforms. I have a really nice engine for both the telekinesis and the platforming. It should turn out nicely.
I'm still trying to work on Twins V3, but I've come to realize there's only so much you can do with one little trick and a bunch of moving blocks. If I make the presentation good enough I might be able to mooch Newgrounds into approving medals for it and then slapping some advertisements on it as well, but right now something huge and revolutionary seems out of the question.
Also Moovlin PC is coming out soon. Julian says the deadline of the 18th is out of the question, but it's still coming soon. I just hope he doesn't sell it to Newgrounds like he said he might. I'd prefer some steady income, especially since we don't know how much money we're going to get with medals enabled on the game.
Lastly I'm going to start RHG battling again. Now I'm done with my main project, I'll just have to come up with some new engine or engine tweaks once I get more concept ideas or art to work in.
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Also this:
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YA LIEK TTLY!!!!!1111