Finished Arr Pea Gee, but I'm still gonna be working on that RPG I mentioned in my last post. Haven't gotten any replies from my fellows in a couple days, so I may have leeway for more projects.
If you've read my blog, you know the storyline for Calais in my RPG. I'm thinking of making a fullbody animation short as some kind of commercial for the upcoming game. The storyline will be somewhat different, but I wanna try fullbody animation and finally submit an animation with a plotline. The Squatty trilogy had a plotline, but it sucked balls... And it was a game.
Twins V3 may have a demo soon, because it doesn't look like I'll be learning to convert strings to arrays or use base 64 any time soon. If I release a demo it'll just show the concept so you guys know what it's like.
I've gotten about 3 requests for tutorials on how to make my Stick RPG: PSP Adaption game so I'm making a tutorial on that now. It'll suck, but at least I'll be able to redirect people to it if they ask for my source file. Even if the explanation sucks I can still tell people they're being noobs for not understanding it. :)
I'm in an RHG battle until the 20th of February with Devil J (you can find him on FluidAnims). Animating his wings are hell, but at least I have almost a month to come up with something. From now on I'm going to make sure I know when to reject a challenge when I see something that'll be a bitch to animate.
Also added a drawing and music minigame for my Stick RPG. I don't have that much to do aside from Flash, but between JFig and Ale harassing me all day with links to this or that I can't get any work done. No kidding, they won't stop interrupting me.
so many 3 letter abbreviations :o
Kwing (Updated )
Only 3 (RHG, PSP, and RPG). Besides, the only one most people don't know are RHG. :D YAY A COMMENT ON MY 15th BIRTHDAY!