Once upon a time, water taught itself how to feel pain.

Age 30, Male

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United States

Joined on 7/24/07

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Beta Test Harvey Brawl

Posted by Kwing - September 16th, 2010

I've realized if I want my (not so) secret project to be any good, people are going to have to test it, and the more the better. Harvey Brawl is my fan tribute to Electric Man 2, and it's also the first game I've made about specific people. The characters in it are my sister's boyfriend and his two brothers.

I have the beta uploaded in two places. On the Newgrounds Dump is a version anyone can view, but I will update it less often. The one I'm going to be updating more often is the beta testing page, although you need my approval before you can view it. Just leave a comment and I'll add you.

The reason I'm doing this is to hear about any bugs in my game and general gripes, so while I like to hear praise, criticism is way more important. Also, I've been adding people and they haven't been pointing out any bugs or telling me what they like or don't like at all. GIVE ME FEEDBACK!

- I'm thinking about mixing up some of the players' stats, such as how much damage they take from attacks, how much damage they take before being knocked over, how quickly they knock over opponents, etc. Tell me what you think of this idea and if you have any additional details.
- Currently Taylor is the only character with any voicing, as I'm getting voices done by the original people. Tell me what you think of the voice acting, how to improve, and what you might like for the other characters.
- Multiplayer is currently working for Taylor vs. Tyson, although there are a few bugs I'm trying to iron out. Point them out!

- The scoreboards are not currently functioning.
- The whistle-blower is currently a placeholder. It will be replaced with the characters' mother later.

This is how my game looked two weeks ago, though I've done lots of work on it since:

/* */


I'd like to beta test this one looks awesome :D

Thanks :) Approved.

Looks pretty sweet. It would be my pleasure to do some beta testing for you!

:D Glad you like it! Approved.

add me pweeeez


Add me!




Can I be a Beta tester ?

Yes, you may. And please give me some actual feedback... None of my beta testers have been saying anything about my game!

Ok, so far I think it's pretty good. I do sometimes have difficulty in making the sprites turn around and change the direction they are facing quickly, but it's possible that might be an issue with my old unresponsive PC.

I liked that the way the characters can build up momentum when they are running/ charging, that's very cool. I was thinking that you maybe should benefit from more sound effects - more cries of pain or triumph, more impact sounds. It would also be good if the sprites could jump, but I don't know how complicated that would be to implement in actionscript.

I also thought that it would be good it you could have some of the facial expressions change if the character is being hit, or if he has just won.

I know you wanted more critiscism, but so far, the only real problem was me not being able to turn around fast enough, even when I am not running.

Real good job so far !

Thanks! In my opinion the characters turn around just fine, although sometimes changing their momentum can be a little difficult. However, since I tried to make the momentum somewhat realistic, this is on purpose.

As for jumping, I have specifically scripted my game so that there is no gravity variable involved, and there would be no point to add a jumping feature, as there are no platforms and there's already a dodging move.

Taylor was over at my house when we did the voice acting, and right now I'm looking into Taylor using Audacity to get his brothers Tori and Tyson to voice their parts. Tori should have his voice samples done soon. As for Tyson... He's a social butterfly, so it might be hard to catch him when he's at home.

Facial expressions sadly will remain unchanged. Right now the characters are so small that changing their expressions (since I'm using photos instead of hand-drawn graphics for the heads) would just look weird.

I'm really glad you liked what I have so far, though. Thanks man :)

lol sweeeetniss :3

Thank you! :)
xoxo hugs n anal

hey u remember me can u allow me to beta test it pls.

I already added you.

Looking good random guy that i have never ever met and am not making a game with.... >.> <.<....... i would love to test it . looks awesome

Can i be a beta teseter (i know it's late but......)
i can make feedbacks and give u the bugs i can have !

anal sechs is sweet.
