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Really good, but failed to really draw me in. The graphics, sound, and gameplay are all spot-on, but the battle mechanics need serious work. Perhaps an official training mission would have helped me grasp the controls better, as I was unable to get past the parts where combat was required. The pistol just doesn't fire fast enough, and you can't strafe, so I would have liked an option to just sneak through the whole thing.

Am I missing out? No, no I'm not. The background is really nice, but it's hard to get immersed in it, most likely because of the camera. Simply having the camera zoom in and out slightly at different points, or better yet, adding in a way to control the camera's zoom with two buttons, would have made the whole game more engrossing. On top of that, I found the animation to be rather minimalistic and the controls to be a bit slow for my liking.

You say there are hidden features and that this game is an experience, but there isn't really anything to do except sit and watch. Most games that are more of an experience than being objective use the interactivity of games to build upon the experience, rather than to deliver more still images to the player. flOw is a good example of how this can be done, and Silent Hill is a close follow-up as well.

I guess the part of this game that really annoyed me the most was how the dialogue was so poorly written. It didn't really touch on anything serious or intelligent, in my opinion. I remember playing Colour My World, and both that and this game have romantic themes that don't really dive into the depth or complications of what love really is, which I find particularly ironic given that the black and white them and music are supposed to be more somber and even melancholy. I'd also note that the music itself got really annoying, probably due to the lack of a bass line to keep the whole piece grounded properly.

Anyway, the graphics look great but I think incorporating them into a game was a mistake. There's a right way and a wrong way to draw a gamer into art, and this is definitely the wrong way.

Excellent game. I love the simple graphics and the cozy feel of being trapped in a small area, rather than a point and click where you're exploring huge environments. In my opinion the code, especially the number, is really obscure and it's not really fair to expect us to get how to beat it, but for the most part the difficulty was nice and even.

One hell of a port. Can't really say much since you didn't make this, but I can tell you that the graphic quality is completely intact, the game runs without any lag, and the controls are extremely responsive! What more can you ask for?

Interesting. I guess you could say it's well done, even as a joke, but goddamn is it frustrating, especially given that you're supposed to get medals during this...? My guess is you just have to die repeatedly until you get the right medals, like the Cato one, but holy shit this is mean. You could at least give players an extra couple seconds before they die. Worse, I couldn't really tell who was who, and if I remember correctly, the tributes are supposed to be lined up in numeric order.

Cruel joke, but good job. Too bad all this art and music is going to waste.

Not bad. The graphics are nice and simple, the music is good, and the gameplay is nice and simple, but there are some serious issues here, the first being that the game lags horribly once you shut the lights off, and it seems as if the game plays the same with the lights out anyway! I would have loved a way to shut the lights off to reduce the range at which enemies could spot you, but as it is there's no reason to add that effect when it makes my computer freeze. Second, I noticed some problems with neutralizing enemies that made some levels impossible for me. Maybe you should look into that. Third, when the game turned into a 3D look, it became kind of hard to understand where exactly the enemies' lines of sight were falling, and that made this game a lot more frustrating than it should have been. And last, the storyline looks good but is too enigmatic to be enjoyable.

Great effort, but needs tons of work.

Almost unplayable.

This game has great graphics, a great sound track, and a great concept, only the control scheme is just so awful I can't give it more than a 3/5. Normally I would give more stars from the effort, but since it's obvious that you're a good enough designer to know better, I'm giving you my full wrath and docking two full points for this screwup.

The single largest issue with this game is that soldiers act on their own WAY too much. Automatically reloading, automatically attacking, automatically looting. It was unbearably obnoxious and it made it physically hurt to play the game due to the fact that playing this game was an almost entirely passive experience.

I get that automatically reloading is supposed to be a convenient feature, but I would rather have the character flash orange when they're out of bullets and red when they're low on health... Also making interactive objects blink when the grid is set to appear would have been nice. This all snowballs into its own little problem of its own: As a game designer, it's important to let your audience know exactly what's going on in a game. Blind spots, whether in an action, adventure, driving, or strategy game (or all the other genres I didn't mention) are extremely annoying and can quickly make a great game unplayable.

Also let me point out how ludicrous it is to reload from a supply box one bullet at a time. If you wanted to make the game harder, you should have made the zombies stronger. Certain actions like that, or like the stat system which would have normally given the game more polish instead felt superficial, unrealistic, and annoying. You're severely lacking in aesthetics here!

That being said, I think the whole tile-based real-time strategy concept is awesome, and I think it's a great way to stimulate to make quick judgments while also being an extremely realistic way to think of battle tactics. Part of the reason this game pissed me off so much was because I genuinely wanted to enjoy and get to like this game.

dovganovskiy responds:

Some notes about AI :)
We listen to many testers and made THIS Ai after listening much comments from different people. And here are reasons for that.
Soldiers don't attack zombies , while they are busy/looting---- It is made to increase income ! Imagine if your looters will shoot at everyone... No profit... And almost no damage.
Soldiers don't shoot to zombies , who are eating his friends :) ---- Soldiers choose closest enemy . Pretty egoistic , but if they will cover others , not themselves - they will be dead too...
Soldiers suddenly go to top of the screen ----- They go to the closest reloading point . I need to explain why?
PS Also we made ability to player to aim soldiers , if you has no time to do it - just press spacebar! Good luck :)

Getting better... The balance of complexity and simplification is fairly good, although the different weapons seem superfluous, as I was able to beat the game on Normal difficulty without really putting much thought into it. Graphics and sound are improved from previous versions, but the bad camera remains an issue. Most importantly, every single level feels the exact same. This is because every unit behaves so similarly to every other unit, and that is a problem worth fixing. Also, the fact that almost every attack took 90-100% of an enemy's health made the tactics very similar between rounds. I also felt that certain abilities were much more useful than others, such as the ultrapowerful frag grenades.

Needs work, but it's getting better bit by bit.

A fair attempt... The graphics and gameplay are simple and elegant, and I think you cloned the important gameplay aspects from Final Fantasy Tactics, but there are other issues, namely the control scheme. First off, the little red spinner showing whose turn it was helped, but not enough. Having a unit light up when its turn came would have been much easier. I also don't like that it's somewhat difficult to roll over the tile you want. This interrupted the flow of gameplay horribly, especially since there was no way to change the angle at which things were viewed. While it's not strictly necessary to make the whole map rotatable, I would have appreciated something even as simple as an overhead view, like Tactics Ogre does. Since this game doesn't make much use of the height stat (there are very few instances in which someone is too high or low to attack), I think the overhead view would have proved itself to be a much better option.

The graphic scheme also made the controls harder to handle. Enclosing each option for this or that within a box and adding more sound effects for each popup would have clearly highlighted every gameplay element, making things run smoother. The windows and interface also seemed to pop up in the wrong places, making it increasingly confusing to play the game.

That being said, I think the party system and point system were great ways to simplify a game that's otherwise much too complex for Flash, and the level editor is a really cool idea. The AI is fairly impressive, and what you have here is excellent groundwork for a better game.

I'm not much of a graphic snob, but the main thing getting in the way of this submission is the confusing nature of the graphic layout, which makes gameplay close to impossible. However, for 2007 this is pretty damned good.

Once upon a time, water taught itself how to feel pain.

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