There's too much juice in this game. It's all flash and no substance. The screen shake and sound effects are doing their job, and I can't fault the art design or music, but as an actual game this just isn't enjoyable.
The flicking mechanic is simple and intuitive, but nothing is really done with the idea. Enemies move around but they don't really attack. I purposefully put my figures in front of attacks to see if they could die and other than the little white flash, nothing happened. The figures don't appear to take damage or even get stunned. The time limit given is so ridiculously easy that I used level select to skip to the last level and never even realized the yellow bar was the timer until I went back and specifically tried to lose by doing nothing.
There is a premise for a game here. Enemy attacks could affect the gameplay in a meaningful way. Perhaps enemies could go into phases where they're invulnerable or can counterattack. I'm not sure whether or not you can lose figures, but you could make it so that this happens more often, or in a more punishing way.