Jar V1 - Muffins lines are hilarious. I like how this doesn't even have anything to do with rap. Defending Breaker from Teqneek is even funnier.
Breaker V1 - Half of the hits is a nice flip. Rhyme compliments are nice but somewhat generic. Viking warrior with babyface cuteness is even funnier. "Imma watch some more after this!"
Jar V2 - Share a stage is nice. Teeth are disgusting is kind of ironic because of Luke James' battle last round.
Breaker V2 - A little off-beat but nice delivery. Fossil fuel, nice. I like that you rhyme Jar as a finisher but the line just isn't above and beyond.
This is a really damned close battle. I think the first verses are definitely the best - really enjoyed the cupcake lines and the one about babyface cuteness. If you two really are such long-standing friends I'm sure I missed a shitload of references, but whatever. I really don't know if I could drop a vote on this. I'd say Breaker being off-beat on his second verse is the only definitive thing that gives Jar the edge. Both had some really funny lines, but both also had some filler here and there.