I really like what you've done here. A lot of it looks pretty abstract, but in the style of some ancient cave painting or something... The patterns are very artistic, and I can see this as a mural, background, etc. Very nicely done!
I really like what you've done here. A lot of it looks pretty abstract, but in the style of some ancient cave painting or something... The patterns are very artistic, and I can see this as a mural, background, etc. Very nicely done!
Cave paintings, among many other forms of ancient artistry, are some of my main inspiration for my drawings, so you hit the nail on the head there.
Thanks for the positive feedback.
The fur is nice. Not top-notch, but very well done all the same. The skin is simply amazing, though. The pores are shown perfectly. The iris and pupil have really intricate detail and I really liked that too. However, the transition from the skin to fur didn't work well. Some kind of in between would have been pretty cool, but no dice. The left side of the eye also looked kind of animalistic, especially with how bloodshot it was and the way the eyelashes were. Making the left side of the eye more human and maybe actually showing whites on the right side of the eye would have really improved this. Who knows? Maybe this would look good with some crazy Yin Yang thing going on with the iris being half-human and half-beast.
Well Long Comment & i Appreciated Thanks im Glad u like it.
Pretty Good
A few things bothered me, though. For one, the mirror translates kind of oddly. Mirrors are usually a lot less fogged, and while you may have been trying to illustrate that it was a reflection, the transparent white you glazed over it should be toned down a LOT. Next, the fingers aren't segmented as much as they should be. Accentuate the joints a little more. Third, the lighting on her arms was kind of abrupt. Perhaps a little bit more blur around the edges and it would have turned out better. Last I'd like to point out the face. Certain features seemed to be completely ignored. The indentation around the eyes was nonexistent, for one. The jaw and filtrum ridge also seemed to just have been forgotten. As a whole, the piece also seems to have some odd lighting. I think once again that's just the mirror throwing everything off because of the contrast. I still liked it though.
Oh yeah i know there's Several Minor issues, i Will try to improve on that thanks For your comment i appreciated alot thanks!
Very Simple
It looks like a bunch of poorly drawn shapes with a gradient slapped across all of them. The style isn't badly done, though. The contrast and the shapes of each fill, while very cartoony, worked surprisingly well and the overall result is decent. It could use a background though... The skin tone blended with the white background made it a little hard on the eyes.
yea, sorry i didnt put much effort into it. I was just realllllllllllly bored and felt like putting this up. lol
Needs Perspective
I really like the shading on it... The texture for the leaves and the totem pole are very stylish. However, certain sections of it look kind of flat. For instance, the base might look cool if it were rough and maybe worn down at some areas, but the way you drew it the base instead looks like it's just flat. Certain sections around the pole look the same way. The frog is kind of weirdly drawn too. It looks entirely layered and 2-dimensional, so I would consider patching that up, or changing the entire style to make it look more cartoony. The frog also looked like it was supposed to be an important part of the picture, but fell short. Perhaps something in the background, different shading, or even some color might highlight it.
Appreciate the review! :) I have considered going back and adding a jungle scene in the background to give you a feel of the environment. This particular drawing is very old, back when I didn't take my work too seriously haha. I did kind of rush certain aspects of the picture but I will definetly look into touching it up!
There's an interesting style to it, but it looks kind of odd. From the blurriness it makes me think you're aiming for a realistic look, but all of the details on the surface of it look unnaturally clear. The outer edge is also kind of odd... It seems to rim around the sun making it look almost 2D. That glare should be going around the entirety of the sun, so the surface should look more crimson and less yellow.
hmm. i think your right! i will have to see if i can make it a little bit more blurred in the front. i originally had it much more blurred but then it just looked silly. mabey a bit more blur would help. Thanks for the review!
Holy Shit!!
That's a great illustration!! I recognized the face immediately and clicked it in a nanosecond. Proportions are great and it looks extremely realistic!
However, I saw a couple weird goofs. I get you're going for black and white, but it looks like his skin could be a bit more shadowed. It looks like his skin is glowing... Not sure if that was intentional, though.
yeah it could have been a bit more shadowed and i was trying to have almost a glow effect. i wanted that to be like reflected light from stage lights or whatever =]
Once upon a time, water taught itself how to feel pain.
Age 30, Male
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United States
Joined on 7/24/07