I wish I still had my board game for that so damn bad. Sadly we gave it back to my uncle who had owned it originally. I guess it's supposed to remind him of his god-awful childhood while he dies of bowel cancer. Whoever gave it to him is a real nice pal. >:P
On the note of Harvey Brawl, two things are keeping me from uploading it now. One is I still don't have Tyson's voice samples. The other is that Multiplayer is a complete mess. There's TONS of script EVERYWHERE and fussing with it is too big of a hassle. I dread the day when the voice samples finally come in because I know then I'm going to have to go clean it up. *Shudders*
As for the Diablo tribute, it's coming along nicely, although there are a few kinks to work out. Most of it is balancing damage, which is going to require one golden line of code. The problem here is making sure that stats, abilities, and equipment are equally important, and even more crucial, making sure it stays that way as the game progresses. This means I'm probably going to have to have something like:
(((stat*?)*(*level*?)) * ((equipStrength*?)*(*level*?)) * ((abilityStrength*?)*(level*?)))
... The problem is filling in those question marks is going to be a nightmare. Stats increase up to 5 per level, equipment strength ranges from 1-9, but each new level the items you get are buffed 10% in all stats, and ability strength ranges from 1-9 and stays that way. If someone can give me an algorithm that stays balanced for a few dozen levels I'll be their sex slave.
Alright, time for stupid videos. Huzzah!
Adam West has a copy of Stratego in his stomach.
What the fuck? :O