Well while I try to convince Taylor to get Tori's and Tyson's voice clips for Harvey Brawl, I might as well work on Diablo PSP. And I might as well make some cash off of it too.
I've been trying to get free stuff via SwagBucks... Which is a search engine like Google, only you get points for searching, which can be traded in for their prizes, one of which includes an Amazon gift card! The best part is that the site is free, so I can slowly accumulate points and get stuff just for searching on it. Maybe it's commercial, but look at Google! They've gotten more and more commercial, and the new Image Search and Google Instant are annoying as hell! The SwagBucks interface is much nicer, and more profitable.
And because I'm trying to reel in free stuff myself, I'll let you see what I have so far in my Diablo tribute if you sign up under my referral link and win me SwagBucks. Cheap, I know... But I have stuff I want to buy. Once again, Diablo PSP will function on the PSP! Unfortunately, it's going to lag pretty badly but I'm going to optimize it such that it will run!
EDIT: Please post the name you used to sign up for SwagBucks so I know who to approve for viewing my game... I have two new referrals, but I don't even know who they are! :P
In other news, FlashChickBoom challenged me to an RHG battle and I'm currently winning in the poll on FluidAnims. Yay, Chakra Evo now has an arm! :D
Also, here's a small feature from my Diablo tribute; randomized equipment! See below...
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cool! Also can you add me to the list cause I wanna test it
SwagBucks brah. I'll add you once I've seen you've earned me at least a little as my referral.