Once upon a time, water taught itself how to feel pain.

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in·tel·li·gence%u2002 %u2002
[in-tel-i-juhns] Show IPA
capacity for learning, reasoning, understanding, and similar forms of mental activity; aptitude in grasping truths, relationships, facts, meanings, etc.
manifestation of a high mental capacity: He writes with intelligence and wit.
the faculty of understanding.
knowledge of an event, circumstance, etc., received or imparted; news; information.
the gathering or distribution of information, esp. secret information.
Government .
information about an enemy or a potential enemy.
the evaluated conclusions drawn from such information.
an organization or agency engaged in gathering such information: military intelligence; naval intelligence.
interchange of information: They have been maintaining intelligence with foreign agents for years.
Christian Science . a fundamental attribute of god, or infinite Mind.
( often initial capital letter ) an intelligent being or spirit, esp. an incorporeal one, as an angel.

Holy shit, 14 comments? O.O I have to make more frontpage posts.

I thought "Intelligence" was that thing everybody ignores when they're playing 2fort.


Intelligence is coming up with lies to tell your mom when instead, you're masturbating.

No that's improv.

Too long, didn't read.
Does that make me stupid?

It makes you ADD and it makes you obnoxious.

You really should add in what Psychofig said.

It's already in the comments section isn't it?

The grades you get at school say nothing about intelligence. That's for sure. But still it pisses me off when ignorant fucks get higher grades than me because they actually accept and learn the biased crap that's being taught them at school. People should build up their own reality, interests, skills... They shouldn't be taught how to be a great sheep in the mass of industrial workers, or in my case, if you study at a so-called 'high-level' in school, to be a great manager in some shit company misusing poor bastards to increase your own wealth.
Intelligence is thinking for yourself and questioning everything, being non-biased, sharing unconditional love. That is what I'm reaching for at least.

*Spreads legs* Take your prize... <3 <3 <3

You may find this highly interesting if you haven't seen it already.
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hrCVu25wQ5s">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hrCVu2 5wQ5s</a>
Skip to about 4:50.

Ugh, so boring... Didn't think it was that interesting, even when I tried to listen. Sorry x|

it means being able to adapt to any situation by observation, and logic. An intelligent person can and always .

This is psychology 101:

a prodigy is a person of normal intelligence who has extraodinary ability.

a savan is a person of lowe intelligence who has an extraodinary abilty

intlelligence is an ability to direct their thinking adapt to circumstances and learn from experiences, thats the definition of intelligence. A computer is simple a storage device that has evolved with the help of man. If a human could program such knowledge into their mind we as a human race would be simply in a singularity allowing us to reveal our true ability, because the only thing thats holds you back is your experiences.

But in the end memory is not intellegence, for if you told a computer stop at the blue light, it would not process, because we do not stop at blue lights, it does not understand anything that it was not told how to do and therefore cannot learn from ones own perception.


sorry about the grammer, but it proves a point as a person with intelligence can break down and understand past the grammer errors and or slang if present.

A stupid person can do that too.

let's have rant sex
Intelligence is your ability to understand. It's tempting to give your own definition of what intelligent people are, but sometimes the answer is just in etymology.
Adaptability is a consequence of being intelligent and understanding things : you find a logic pattern in what you observe, analyze, and understand the machinery. Then you adapt, you change your pattern so it works better against/with the other pattern, but what if you can't ? Or if there's no need to ? You just memorize it. See how it all links to what you've said ?
So understanding leads to adapting and remembering. You can adapt without understanding (viruses and random mutations) or memorize without understanding (computers and hard drives).
We are not the only intelligent creatures out there, we just have a developped consciousness. Many animals understand some of the things that happens around them, remember them or adapt to them, mostly for danger. They just are barely aware of it, and don't push it very far. Stupid humans could be described as closer to animals than intelligent humans ; but I'm noone to judge who's intelligent and who is not (I barely even trust legit IQ tests).
The part about cycles is very interesting but you should watch beyond them ; for example the cycles are more and more accelerating, the science is going faster everyday, seasons are going mad, people repeating the "have children with a partner" more than once in a life, even music goes faster (speedcore anyone ?). The rythm is definately accelerating.
Just my view though.

I remember a line from Waking Life that sums up part of what you said, "Actually, the gap between, say, Plato or Nietzsche and the average human is greater than the difference between that chimpanzee and the average human."

My point wasn't just that humans adapt, but that our behavior adapts and we consciously adapt.

great post. Btw actually saw Secretary, and I totally agree, especially with the ending that didn't seem to know it wanted to end, so they played it safe.

Just tried out your beta. died a few times but finally won aster alot of dodging and running around. I think the harder moves should add more of a stagger to your opponent that would open him up for more combos and light attacks. I love the dodge move. Also not sure how to get into a grab, but the opponent grabbed me a few times. A game camera would be nice. You can zoom in on the action depending on the distance of the fighters.

Oh yeah, I entered tutorial mode, and died. that made me laugh.

HOALY SHAT! Well if you say so, boss man!

Maybe I'll make an alternate recoil for stronger attacks. I'm pretty much done with Custom Battle, but my real issue is fixing the Multiplayer bug where one player keeps appearing twice during grab attacks.

I fapped to the "Secretary".

Aaaall the way through.

Yeah...No doubt bout it.

I wish I had that kind of lasting power.

The mood you got from the very beginning is wrong. IQ of computer might be 0, but in computer we can say AI apliess instead of IQ in a sense. furthermore, a computer doesn't "learn", the files you put from USB are elec... okay thats a little long to write. let me tell it the other way, think if your PC is gardrobe and files are your clothes; so goes for the car and garage, the only different thing is that the car or clothes are physically there while the folders are electrically there (not really, but advanced science hurts so lets say this is it). for me, intelligence is how your brain works and IQ is how effectially it works, stupid person aren't person without knowlede; its a person wich thinks wrong or uneffectively. every person wrote the things over there used the different kind of brains they have with the different mood they had and wrote it there. no term is one and same, everybody can give a new whole meaning to a word, wich is how the actual words we all using came up. this doesn't mean words don't have meanings, it means every word can be seen from differen perspectives, while some being used so much its too hard to do so, but you still CAN, even with %1 possibility to do that.
Intelligence is a term used wrong in my opinion. just like maniac is. maniac is a people that has mania. tough its absolutely known of being a hit-n-crash-all rage state, the real "mania" is the right negative of deppression (YES!). not just being uber happy but by looking things uberpositive, but that is SO uber it creates a connection with stupidity. so for Intelligence is, definietly something unstood. what i meant? inteligence is not stable, it changes to mood, to needs and wants, and wants in a second meaning; i could type in just "o%u0131hsduoasdhoh" and leave it and that would make sure i am noob (wich we use instead of stupid these thays) and therefore ignore, insult and maybe somehow punish me through a ban. I hope i could share something with anyone.

Our system of language is indeed fallible and inadequate. Through spiritual, psychic, or even just body language we can better communicate with each other.

And I'm trying to read what you wrote but your grammar is simply atrocious.

capture enemy Intelligence



I'm a dropout.

its something that makes your spells more powerful.

No, Faith and Magick attack makes your spells more powerful. Unless you use Nether Mantra; then low faith increases damage.

its weird, ive been thinking about intelligence all this week for some reason i appeared here. ill try not to play smartass here cuz thats for douchebags although i have something to say.

i had this teacher who used to say exactly that, same words, intelligence is related to adaptability not memory or solving skills that can be learned (if learning is not another of those skills). that makes so much sense biologically as you depict, but said theory linger in practice too, most intelligent ppl i know is miserable or has a high tendency for feeling down, most stories of geniuses end up tragically (if its not the end itself what is tragic).

ive came up with another answer, that is sensitivity, not the ability to react to the sorroundings because that is a different matter, but the ability to understand it.

anyway, dont mind me, i got and F in an intelligence test while all other ppl got numbers ranging from 148 to 160

Sensitivity helps adaptability. If you're sensitive, you may notice things both physically, politically, socially, biologically, etc. that other people wouldn't. A person who's both sensitive and adaptable can adapt before it even becomes a serious issue... So yes, someone who is sensitive and adaptable will always be ahead of the curve.